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Write a Query to find Top 5 wait events in Database

Performance optimization of databases is one of the routine tasks of DBAs. This task becomes very easy when you have Oracle Enterprise Manager tool installed. You can generate various reports from AWR and analyze the health of the database and then tune it accordingly. This is normal in every DBA’s life.
But what if you don’t have the OEM installed? This is very much possible in a test environment. In this case, you need to generate the reports manually. You need to query the database to extract the data requried for analysis.
For such requirements, we have the below query to find out “Top 5 wait events in the database”. The query gives Date, Event_Name and Total_Waits.
Query to find Top 5 wait events in database:
select Day, Event_name, Total_wait from (
select day, event_name, sum(event_time_waited) total_wait,
row_number() over (partition by day order by sum(event_time_waited) desc) rn from (
SELECT   to_date(to_char(begin_interval_time,’dd/mm/yyyy’),’dd/mm/yyyy’) day,s.begin_interval_time, m.*
    FROM (SELECT ee.instance_number, ee.snap_id, ee.event_name,
                 ROUND (ee.event_time_waited / 1000000) event_time_waited,
                 ROUND ((ee.event_time_waited * 100) / et.total_time_waited,
                       ) pct,
                 ROUND ((ee.event_time_waited / ee.total_waits) / 1000
                       ) avg_wait
            FROM (SELECT ee1.instance_number, ee1.snap_id, ee1.event_name,
                         – ee2.time_waited_micro event_time_waited,
                         ee1.total_waits – ee2.total_waits total_waits
                    FROM dba_hist_system_event ee1 JOIN dba_hist_system_event ee2
                         ON ee1.snap_id = ee2.snap_id + 1
                       AND ee1.instance_number = ee2.instance_number
                       AND ee1.event_id = ee2.event_id
                       AND ee1.wait_class_id <> 2723168908
                       AND ee1.time_waited_micro – ee2.time_waited_micro > 0
                  SELECT st1.instance_number, st1.snap_id,
                         st1.stat_name event_name,
                         st1.VALUE – st2.VALUE event_time_waited,
                         1 total_waits
                    FROM dba_hist_sys_time_model st1 JOIN dba_hist_sys_time_model st2
                         ON st1.instance_number = st2.instance_number
                       AND st1.snap_id = st2.snap_id + 1
                       AND st1.stat_id = st2.stat_id
                       AND st1.stat_name = ‘DB CPU’
                       AND st1.VALUE – st2.VALUE > 0
                         ) ee
                 (SELECT et1.instance_number, et1.snap_id,
                         et1.VALUE – et2.VALUE total_time_waited
                    FROM dba_hist_sys_time_model et1 JOIN dba_hist_sys_time_model et2
                         ON et1.snap_id = et2.snap_id + 1
                       AND et1.instance_number = et2.instance_number
                       AND et1.stat_id = et2.stat_id
                       AND et1.stat_name = ‘DB time’
                       AND et1.VALUE – et2.VALUE > 0
                         ) et
                 ON ee.instance_number = et.instance_number
               AND ee.snap_id = et.snap_id
                 ) m
         dba_hist_snapshot s ON m.snap_id = s.snap_id
) group by day ,event_name
order by day desc, total_wait desc
)where rn < 6
The query is very useful for the DBAs because it can give you loads of information. You can modify the query to fetch much more information and use it the way you want.


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