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Setup Free Custom DOT tk Domain in Blogger

Are you experience frustration at some point in default long domain name in Blogger like your domain.blogspot.com and want to change free custom .tk domain,you are at right place to  set-up custom .tk domain in blogger.com,.

Step-1: Go to Freenom.com
Step-2: Enter your desire domain and select .tk from the option, click on “Search”
button, same below screenshot.

Step-3: If your desired domain is available then you redirect on Domain Registration
page set registration length as 12 months and  like this screenshot below. If not,
then try any other domain name.

Step-4: Clicked Order Now button. Here you have to verify your account by email,

Verification link Sent to Your Email The Link, go to your Email Index and Click On
The Link it redirect to checkout Page.

Step-5: Don't worry about it Fill the form give Email ID and Password Login further
to Setup Domain in Blogger. Congratulation you have get your Domain, get ready for
Setup custom domain in Blogger

Setup Custom Free Domain in Blogger
Step-1: Go to Blogger Settings and find Publishing option in your dashboard. Now
click on Set up a third-party URL for your blog.

Step-2: Then enter your Dot Tk domain with www in the like www.technohalf-demo.tk
(as shown in the picture)

Step-3: Hit Save button, you get a Error i.e. We have not been able to verify your
authority to this domain. Error 12. Now That's what we require, two CNAME like below
picture. Don't close this Page.

Step-4: Open a New Tab in Browser and Go to Your Freenom ClientArea Link and click on Domain Panel and then click on “My Domain” same below screenshot.

Step-5: It will take to your Domain Page and click on “Manage Domain”. Like this-
Step-6: Now clicked on Manage Freenom DNS and it will take to DNS MANAGEMENT for yourdoamin.tk

Step-7: First of all Select “CNAME Record” from type option then write “www” in Name and “ghs.google.com” in Target and Leave TTL to 14440 .

Step-8: Again to add another CNAME click on “More Records” and then write Host Name and Target that you got in error . You can do it same below image.

Step-9: OK you have added your CNAME records successfully Let's add "A Record".
Clicked on More Records, select “A Record” from type and Leave Name to Blank and set
TTL to 300. Set First "Target" to Again repeat this process and Add
Second "Target" to, Third "Target" to, Fourth "Target" to like this Screenshot Below

Step-10: You have done your job well click Save Change to get effect. Now! Just Wait
around 5 to 10 minutes and then go to your Blogger account and got to Setting>>Basic>>
Add a Custom Domain and enter your www.yourdomain.tk(Don't Forget to add www beforedomain name) domain and click on “Save”. Click on View Blog to see your custom domain

How to solve "Zone not Active Yet" ?
A:        Thank to KIT WING for the Solution,  just go to management tools >>
select Nameservers >> Use Default Nameserver Button and hit Change Nameservers
or you can check the Nameservers ( i.e, Nameserver 1: NS01.FREENOM.COM,
Nameserver 2: NS01.FREENOM.COM,Nameserver 3: NS01.FREENOM.COM,Nameserver


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