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what is cluster in vertica database ?

Every Column based data is distributed in all the nodes in every cluster, so in case if one node failed then the database continues to operate. Similarly when a node added on cluster comes back online after being failed then it automatically signal other nodes to updates its local data on the node which got online after failed status.
Before installing VERTICA you must first configure your cluster. A cluster is made up of one or more physical host. Machines are often configured as per the documentation to run the VERTICA. These hosts have a name and static ip address into which do not share either disk space or main memory. On each host edit the file /etc/hosts so that the machine can identify each other. There are also dedicated ports on each host that must be left open for VERTICA communication. The full list of reserve port number is in the installation guide.
On every cluster host the root user is required to install both VERTICA ANALYTICS and the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE. In additional to other CLUSTER CONFIGURATION steps you must insure that the root user can use SSH to login to all host and the cluster. At least two other users must be created to install in one VERTICA. The user DBADMIN is the unique OWNER of the VERTICA DATABASE. Another USER which we have named MCADMIN owns and controls the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE. Both of these users must be in UNIX group VERTICADBA.
On one of the host create a directory to hold the VERTICA DATABASE and MANAGEMENT CONSOLE INSTALLATION FILES. The directory should be owned by the user ROOT. It does not matter which HOST you create the directory on, VERTICA treats them all equally.
On all of the host create a directory to hold VERTICA DATABASE which would be distributed across all host. The directory should be owned by the user DBADMIN.
The VERTICA DATABASE SERVER and MANAGEMENT CONSOLE installation package are available from the DOWNLOADS page of myvertica.com


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