PostgreSQL Database auto connect script
Below steps help you to connect the postgresql database automatically without any password prompt
Step 1. create the bash_profile: and set the postgres environment variable
[]# cat .bash_profile export PGPASSWORD="nijam@345" export PGHOST="" export PGUSER="enterprisedb" export PGPORT="5444" /opt/edb/as9.6/bin/psql -d edb
Step 2. Run the .bash_profile the this script directly will call the psql and connect the database without prompting any password
[]# sh .bash_profile psql.bin ( Type "help" for help. edb=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------+-------+-------------- public | dept | table | enterprisedb public | emp | table | enterprisedb public | jobhist | table | enterprisedb public | test | table | enterprisedb (4 rows)
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