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Oracle schema migration

In this blog we are telling about How to do oracle schema referesh from production to DEV & SIT environment.
Right now we are taking backup of umar schema after that we can restore the schema to SIT & DEV server.

At source server :
For datapump before taking schema dump you have to check the default tablespace of user & check the objects count of user.
SQL> select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace from dba_users where username='umar';

-------------------- ------------------------ --------------------
umar                      umar_tab            TEMP

SQL> select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='umar';

no rows selected

SQL> select sum(bytes/1024/1024/1024) from dba_segments where owner='umar';


SQL> select object_type,count(*) from dba_objects where owner='umar' group by object_type;

OBJECT_TYPE               COUNT(*)
----------------------- ----------
SEQUENCE                         1
LOB                             10
TABLE                          101
INDEX                           21

SQL> select * from dba_directories where directory_name='EXPIMP';


Now Taking schema backup from source server.
expdp “‘ / as sysdba'” directory=EXPIMP dumpfile=schema_cdmintvn.dmp  logfile=schema_cdmintvn.log schemas=umar parallel=3
Destination server :
Before restoring backup on destination server check with file/folder permission and check the dump file is moved right path or not and are u mentioned right path in datapump.
select * from dba_directories where directory_name='EXPIMP';

impdp "' / as sysdba'" directory=EXPIMP dumpfile=schema_cdmintvn.dmp logfile=schema_cdmdeveg.log remap_schema=umar:nijam remap_tablespace=umar_tab:nijam_tab
If schema owned 2 tablespace means script should be below format :
impdp "' / as sysdba'" directory=EXPIMP dumpfile=schema_cdmintvn.dmp logfile=schema_cdmdeveg.log remap_schema=umar:nijam remap_tablespace=umar_tab:nijam_tab remap_tablespace=tab01_01:nijam_tab


Once restoration is completed ,check the objects count of schema.
SQL> select object_type,count(*) from dba_objects where owner='nijam' group by object_type;

OBJECT_TYPE               COUNT(*)
----------------------- ----------
SEQUENCE                         1
LOB                             10
TABLE                          101
INDEX                           21


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