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YUM Command To Manage Packages on RHEL/CentOS

As per my experience in Linux administration i can assure, we can’t manage RHEL /CentOS /Fedora /Scientific Linux systems without YUM Command. It is mandatory to perform so many actions. Yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is one of the package manager utility in Linux operating system. Yum command is used to install, update, search & remove packages on some Linux distributions based on RedHat. Some other package manger utilities which are being used widely in Linux are apt-get, dpkg, rpm, Zypper, pacman, etc.,
Now, I’m going to play on my CentOS 6.6 server to explain and cover mostly used yum commands with examples. Reference link

1) Common syntax/file location for yum

See below for common syntax/ file location of yum.
# Common syntax for yum #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum [options] [commands] [package name]

# most popular yum commands #
root@2daygeek [~]# [install remove update search info check-update clean repolist list history

# yum Repository file location #
root@2daygeek [~]# /etc/yum.repos.d

# yum cached file location #
root@2daygeek [~]# /var/cache/yum

2) Install a Package or packages

Use the below command to install any package or packages on your system. In this case i’m going to install apache, MariaDB-server, MariaDB-client. Every time yum ask your confirmation to install the corresponding package. if you want to avoid the confirmation you can do by this adding -y option with yum.
# Install a single package #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum install httpd
root@2daygeek [~]# yum -y install httpd

# Install more than one packages #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
root@2daygeek [~]# yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client

3) Remove a Package or packages

Use the below command to remove/erase any package or packages on your system. In this case I’m going to remove apache, MariaDB-server, MariaDB-client.
# Remove a single package #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum remove httpd
root@2daygeek [~]# yum erase httpd

# Remove more than one packages #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum remove MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
root@2daygeek [~]# yum erase MariaDB-server MariaDB-client

4) update a Package or packages

Use the below command to update any package or packages on your system. In this case I’m going to update apache, MariaDB-server, MariaDB-client to latest version.
# update single package #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum update httpd

# update more than one packages #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum update MariaDB-server MariaDB-client

5) list all repository packages

Use the below command to list all packages which are available in all repository. I have enabled EPEL & REMI so in this case it shows all the repository packages. Both gives same results.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum list

root@2daygeek [~]# yum list all

6) Check updates

Use the below command to check available package updates on your system. In this case kernel update is available. Both gives same results.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum list updates
root@2daygeek [~]# yum check-update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.hyve.com
 * epel: mirrors.coreix.net
 * extras: centos.hyve.com
 * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org
 * updates: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net

kernel.x86_64         2.6.32-504.3.3.el6                                                     updates

7) list installed packages

Use the below command to print installed packages on your Linux system.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum list installed

8) Search a package

If you don’t know the exact package name which you want to install, Use the search option it will return the matching string. In this case I’m going to search ftpd
root@2daygeek [~]# yum search ftpd
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.hyve.com
 * epel: mirrors.coreix.net
 * extras: centos.hyve.com
 * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org
 * updates: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net
============================================================== N/S Matched: ftpd ===============================================================
nordugrid-arc-gridftpd.x86_64 : ARC gridftp server
pure-ftpd.x86_64 : Lightweight, fast and secure FTP server
vsftpd.x86_64 : Very Secure Ftp Daemon

  Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything.

The above output shows matching string for ftpd

9) Check package information

If you want to know the package detailed information before proceeding with the installation. Use the below command, it will give full information about the package like package version, size, repo name, etc..
root@2daygeek [~]# yum info vsftpd
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.hyve.com
 * epel: mirrors.coreix.net
 * extras: mirrors.coreix.net
 * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org
 * updates: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net
Available Packages
Name        : vsftpd
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.2.2
Release     : 13.el6_6.1
Size        : 151 k
Repo        : updates
Summary     : Very Secure Ftp Daemon
URL         : http://vsftpd.beasts.org/
License     : GPLv2 with exceptions
Description : vsftpd is a Very Secure FTP daemon. It was written completely from
            : scratch.

10) How to Check package is installed or not

Use the below command to check whether the package is installed or not on your system. In this case I’m going to check openssh package.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum list installed openssh

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.hyve.com
 * epel: mirrors.coreix.net
 * extras: centos.hyve.com
 * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org
 * updates: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net
Installed Packages
openssh.x86_645.3p1-104.el6_6.1                                                     @updates

11) yum provides / whatprovides function

This command searches which packages provide the requested dependency of file.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum provides /etc/passwd
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.hyve.com
 * epel: mirrors.coreix.net
 * extras: centos.hyve.com
 * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org
 * updates: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net
setup-2.8.14-20.el6_4.1.noarch : A set of system configuration and setup files
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /etc/passwd

setup-2.8.14-20.el6_4.1.noarch : A set of system configuration and setup files
Repo        : installed
Matched from:
Other       : Provides-match: /etc/passwd

12) Purpose of makecache

Makecache is used to download and make usable all the metadata for the currently enabled repository on your system.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum makecache

13) Print yum repositories

Use the below command to print the list of repositories available on your system.
# To print enabled repository #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.hyve.com
 * epel: mirrors.coreix.net
 * extras: centos.hyve.com
 * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org
 * updates: mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net
repo id                                        repo name                                                                              status
base                                           CentOS-6 - Base                                                                          6,456+62
epel                                           Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64                                         10,483+671
extras                                         CentOS-6 - Extras                                                                              36
isv_ownCloud_community                         Latest stable community release of ownCloud (CentOS_CentOS-6)                                 2+1
rpmforge                                       RHEL 6 - RPMforge.net - dag                                                              4,677+41
updates                                        CentOS-6 - Updates                                                                         496+34
repolist: 22,150

# To print Disabled repository #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum repositories disabled

# To print all repository #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum repolist all

14) Do full system update

Use the below command to keep your system up to date. It will install all the available updates.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum update

15) list available group packages

Use the below command to list available group of packages on your system. In these groups no of packages are bundled together with a single name. So you can install the group of packages with single shot instead of installing each and every software separately.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum grouplist

16) Install the group packages

To install group of packages use groupinstall instead of install with yum command. In this case i’m going to install “Development tools”. Its bundled with libtool, gcc, c++, automake, pkgconfig, autoconf, etc.,
root@2daygeek [~]# yum groupinstall 'Development tools'

16) update the group packages

Use the below command to update the group of packages to latest version.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum groupupdate 'Development tools'

17) Remove the group packages

Use the below command to update the group of packages to latest version.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum groupremove 'Development tools'
root@2daygeek [~]# yum grouperase 'Development tools'

18) Install a package from particular Repository

Use the below command to Install a package from particular Repository. In this case I’m going to install Htop package from rpmforge repository.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install htop

19) Cleaning yum cache

Whenever you are installing packages yum creates a cache of metadata and packages. This cache can take up a lot space. The yum clean command allows you to clean up these files. All the files yum clean will act on are normally stored in /var/cache/yum.
# cleans up any cached packages #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum clean packages

# cleans up any cached xml metadata #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum clean metadata

# cleans up any cached db packages #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum clean dbcache

# Clean all cached files #
root@2daygeek [~]# yum clean all

20) checking Recently Added Packages into Repository

Use the below command to check Recently Added Packages into Repository.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum list recent

21) Print yum history

Use the below command to Print yum history.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum history

22) yum man page

Use the below command for More info about yum command.
root@2daygeek [~]# yum -help
root@2daygeek [~]# man yum
root@2daygeek [~]# yum --h


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