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Script for vacuum & analyzing selected postgresql tables

1.Script for vacuum and analyzing the tables
cat /home/script/vaccum_analyze_table.sh
LOGFILE=vacuum_analyze_`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"`.log
export PGOPTIONS='-c vacuum_cost_delay=10 -c maintenance_work_mem=3GB'
export PGPASSWORD=postgres
$PGHOME/vacuumdb -t schema1.table1,schema2.table2 -j 5 -p 5432 -z >> $LOG/$LOGFILE 2>> $LOG/$LOGFILE
exit 0
2.vacuum & analyze script sheduling on crontab everyday night at 10.pm
Befere scheduling crontjob check the current date becouse some server will running with wrong time that is what am telling check date and time before scheduling crontjob

To get date and time in Linux issue following command
$ date
To scheduling crontjob issue crontab -e command
crontab -e
0 22 * * * sh /home/script/vaccum_analyze_table.sh

more about crontab


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