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what is the difference between rsync and scp in linux ?

1.incrementanl data's
2.rsync will not be faster but data's integrity and If you repeat the copy, rsync may be faster as it only transfers differences in files.
3.rsync isn't necessarily encrypted and not more secure if want use rsync -avze ssh, then rsync would be as secure
4.Before a file is transferred rsync takes the checksums,After a file is transferred the receiver verifies the data integrity
5.rsync can also exclude certain subdirectories/files using the --exclude flag, scp can't do that.
6.-P flag which will display a progress
7. it automatically verifies if the transferred file has been transferred correctly. Scp will not do that,

Sending folder to remote location using rsync 

# rsync -avzWe ssh --include 'R*' --exclude '*' --progress oracle@
# rsync -avzWe ssh   --progress /home/oracle/database oracle@

W-you can see the bandwidth

1.Overwrite the data's
2.scp will be faster
3.scp is more secure
4.scp does not have such checksums mechanism
5.not having --exclude flag option
6.Here is not flag option's.
7.scp not verifies if the transferred file has been transferred correctly.

Sending folder to remote location using SCP

Remote to local copy:
scp -r username@hostname:/home/oracle/database /local/path
Loacl to remote Copy:
scp -r /home/oracle/database oracle@


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