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Difference Between Database Administrator vs Database Architect


The DBA does just what the name suggests...administrator of the database. Based on the specific RDBMS being managed, the role DBA involves implementing the following aspects:
  • user authentication
  • backup strategies
  • DB Metrics (Recording and Display) (i.e., Splunk, ScienceLogic EM7, MONyog, Nagios)
  • Data Migration
  • DBMS Software Upgrades/Patches
  • High Availability
  • Data Redundancy
  • DB Storage Layout
  • Query Profiling
  • Oversight of Query Tuning


The role of the DA goes into planning the infrastructure of information system in terms of
  • Business Objectives
  • Business Intelligence
  • Geographic Distribution of Data
  • Departmental Access to Data Through All Levels of Company Hierarchy
  • Communication of Design to DBAs (If there are consistent problems with DBAs fulfilling there roles, the DA may have to be called in to mitigate design problems or possibly rearchitect.)
In some instances, a single individual may have these two roles, maybe even a third (Developer). In large companies, the role of the DBA may be set up as separate departments. Contrawise, The smaller the company, the more blended these roles becomes.
No matter what responsibilities of DBA and/or DA a person has, that one must have people skills. Why? You have to interactive with Developers who code SQL into their applications. Project managers must set ground rules so that the DBA/DA will
  • take the lead in providing proper access to the DBMS
  • suggest better execution plans of SQL
  • accommodates the needs of Developers
  • defer roadblocks in Project Cycles to Project Managers


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