PostgreSQL Vacuum and analyze script script vacuums and analyzes all the database of an instance. Script pick the instance on the basis of details provided in If you have multiple instances, and you want to run for those instances too, by tweaking the instance details in
bash-4.1$ cat /post/open_source/scripts/ #!/bin/bash usage() { echo -e "\n\tUsage: `basename $0` -c /home/postgres/edbscripts/\n" echo -e "\tNote : Absolute path required for cronjobs configuration file\n" exit 1 } while getopts ":c:" opt; do case "${opt}" in c) CONF=${OPTARG} ;; *) echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG" >&2; usage ;break;; esac done if [ -z "${CONF}" ]; then usage fi if [ ! -f "${CONF}" ]; then echo -e "\t\nNot a valid conf file...$CONF" exit 1 fi ### Main script process source ${CONF} process() { echo -e "\n:::::::::::: VACUUM ANALYZE Details :::::::::::::::\n" echo "VACUUM ANALYZE LOG.: $CRONLOG_LOCATION/vacuum_analyze_$FILE_TIMESTAMP.log" START=$(date +%s) $PGBIN/vacuumdb -a -z -v -h $PGHOST -U $PGUSER -p $PGPORT >>$CRONLOG_LOCATION/vacuum_analyze_$FILE_TIMESTAMP.log 2>>$CRONLOG_LOCATION/vacuum_analyze_$FILE_TIMESTAMP.log result=${?} if [ ${result} -ne 0 ] then echo "Please connect to the server ASAP"| mailx -s "::ALERT::`hostname` - VACUUM Failed" $CUSTOMER_EMAIL echo "`date`|$CUSTOMER_NAME|`basename $0`|false|vacuum failed" >>$CRONLOG_LOCATION/cronjobs.csv exit 1 else echo "vacuum analyze completed successfully">>$CRONLOG_LOCATION/vacuum_analyze_$FILE_TIMESTAMP.log END=$(date +%s) DIFF=$(($END-$START)) VDB=`awk '/vacuuming database/ {print $4}' $CRONLOG_LOCATION/vacuum_analyze_$FILE_TIMESTAMP.log|wc -l` ISSUES=`grep -i "error:" $CRONLOG_LOCATION/vacuum_analyze_$FILE_TIMESTAMP.log|wc -l` echo "VACUUMED INFO.....: vacuumed $PGPORT port of $VDB databases." echo "TIME..............: started at $(date -d @"$START" +%d-%m-%y' '%T) with total time $((diff/60))M $((diff%60))s" echo "VACUUM ISSUES.....: In logs $(if [ $ISSUES -ge 1 ]; then echo "$ISSUES found. Please check logs"; else echo "nothing found"; fi)" echo "`date`|$CUSTOMER_NAME|`basename $0`|true|vacuum completed" >>$CRONLOG_LOCATION/cronjobs.csv fi } process >>$CRONLOG_LOCATION/crons_summary.log exit 0
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