aireplay-ng -V (return code: 1) aireplay-ng: unrecognized option '--version' "aireplay-ng --help" for help. aireplay-ng -HELP (return code: 1) Aireplay-ng 1.2 rc4 - (C) 2006-2015 Thomas d'Otreppe usage: aireplay-ng <options> <replay interface> Filter options: -b bssid : MAC address, Access Point -d dmac : MAC address, Destination -s smac : MAC address, Source -m len : minimum packet length -n len : maximum packet length -u type : frame control, type field -v subt : frame control, subtype field -t tods : frame control, To DS bit -f fromds : frame control, From DS bit -w iswep : frame control, WEP bit -D : disable AP detection Replay options: -x nbpps : number of packets per second -p fctrl : set frame control word (hex) -a bssid : set Access Point MAC address -c dmac : set D...
Below collected and sorted out hundreds of universal License Keys for all major versions of VMware Workstation Pro (not for VMware Workstation Player) 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x and v14.x on Windows and Linux platforms (support both 32-bit and 64-bit operating system) in this single post. Besides, we also provide some license keys for VMware other projects. Just enjoy and share them. // 4~14 Universal License Keys // Version License Keys VMware Workstation VMware Workstation 4.x.x ZHDH1-UR90N-W844G-4PTN6 G1NP0-T88AL-M016F-4P8N2 ZC14J-4U16A-0A04G-4MEZP J1WF8-58LDE-881DG-4M8Q3 VMware Workstation 5.x.x LUXRM-WP0DN-A256U-4M9Q3 DJXDR-NDT27-Y2NDU-4YTZK DA925-HP80U-Z8HDC-4WXXP 3KW2W-AYR2C-88M6F-4MDQ2 VMware Workstation 6.x.x A0E8R-YUDFV-6AK2F-4GAN2 CRX0D-VWL0V-7CJ6C-46C7A NA8RX-QPNDU-D2LA9-4WAZL 1H4WM-N21FZ-7GK2A-44U5U 6AJ6N-THY2P-42KEF-4WTFG FK8R9-LPCDT-88H4Y-4WRN3 KAR8R-T8MAL-K8J6A-4WDXQ YJEKW-JMFF4-YA1DC-4WTQ...
The PGA(program or process global area)is a memory area(ram) that stores data and control information for a single process. It typically contais a sort_area,hash_area,session_cursor cache. pga areas can be sized manually by setting parameters like hash_area_size,sort_area_size Hash_Area_Size Oracle hash_area_size is simple. The hash_area_size parameter value defaults to 1.5 times sort_area_size and is used for performing hash joins of Oracle tables. The higher the value for hash_area_size, the higher the propensity for the CBO to use a hash join. The value for hash_area_size is quickly the oracle show parameters command SQL > show parameter hash_area_size; The hash_area_size is obsolete if you are using pga_aggregate_target,but in oracle 9i with pga_aggregate_target ,a hash area size cannot exceed 5% of the pga area many increase the hash_area_size with " alter session get hash_area_size " or with a use_hash hint. Sort_Area_Size The sort_area_size parameters control the RA...
Method 1 You can check the mode of the server using "pg_controldata". [pgsql@test~]$ pg_controldata /usr/local/pgsql/data84/ Database cluster state: in archive recovery --> This is Standby Database Database cluster state: in production --> This is Production Database [Master] Method 2 You can use pg_is_in_recovery() which returns True if recovery is still in progress(so the server is running in standby mode or slave) postgres=# select pg_is_in_recovery(); pg_is_in_recovery ------------------- t (1 row) If Return false so the server is running in primary mode or master postgres=# select pg_is_in_recovery(); pg_is_in_recovery ------------------- f (1 row)
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