Parallel VACUUMing
The vacuumdb utility now supports parallel jobs. This is specified with the -j option, just like when using pg_dump or pg_restore. This means vacuuming a database will complete a lot quicker, and especially so for cases where tables are spread across multiple tablespaces. It will also start vacuuming the largest relations first.
For example:
vacuumdb -j4 productiondb
This would vacuum the database named "productiondb" by spawning 4 vacuum jobs to run simultaneously.
This is great for multi-table vacuums/analyzes. Previously, when running “vacuumdb some_database" you got all tables vacuumed in some kind of order.
We can see it, by creating some test tables:
It did create for me these tables:
If I'll run the vacuumdb now, normally, it will show me:
I.e. just “vacuum" was run, without any table names – it will run database-wide vacuum that will work in one backend, and do all tables sequentially.
I could have influenced order by doing something like:
But, all tables were vacuumed in order anyway.
Now, I can add -j option, and it will parallelize processing:
As we can see – it initially gets list of tables to vacuum, sorted by relpages – which is basically size of the table.
And then vacuums these in parallel, using many backends. In pg_stat_activity it looks like:
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