How to kill idle session and what is the shell script for killing idle connection ?
Kill the idle connection if once reached the postgesql maximum threshold time of 2 minutes
Kill the idle connection if once reached the postgesql maximum threshold time of 2 minutes
cat /home/script/ #!/bin/bash HOSTNAME=`hostname` PSQL="/opt/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/psql" PORT=5432 HOST="localhost" DB="template1" USER="postgres" DATE=`date +'%d%m%G'` DETAIL="/tmp/kill_idle_in_tran_detailed-$DATE.log" touch $DETAIL IDLECONNTIME=`$PSQL -d $DB -U $USER -t -p $PORT -c "select now();"` MAXCONN=`$PSQL -d $DB -U $USER -t -p $PORT -c "show max_connections;"` CONN=`$PSQL -d $DB -U $USER -t -p $PORT -c "select count(*) from pg_stat_activity;"` echo "IDLE IN TRANSACTION Connetions Start Time : $IDLECONNTIME" | tee -a $DETAIL echo "Maximum Connections Defined : $MAXCONN" | tee -a $DETAIL echo "Current Connection Count : $CONN" | tee -a $DETAIL IDLECONN=`$PSQL -d $DB -U $USER -p $PORT -t -c "select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where state='idle in transaction' ;"` echo "Count of IDLE IN TRANSACTION connections more than 15min: $IDLECONN" |tee -a $DETAIL echo "Connections IDLE IN TRANSACTION for more than 15 min" >> $DETAIL $PSQL -d $DB -U $USER -p $PORT -c "select * from pg_stat_activity where state='idle in transaction' ;" |tee -a $DETAIL $PSQL -d $DB -U $USER -p $PORT -c " select pg_terminate_backend(pid)from pg_stat_activity where state='idle in transaction' and now()-query_start > interval '2 minutes';" echo "IDLE Connetions End Time : $IDLECONNTIME" | tee -a $DETAIL exit 0;
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