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Copy Database to another Server in Windows (pg_dump – backup & restore)

In our organization, junior database developers are learning PostgreSQL, and they require a sample database from our Validation Database Server.

In this scenario, Database Administrator takes PostgreSQL backup using pg_dump utility and restore that dump into the development environment.

A pg_dump is a PostgreSQL utility which is used for PostgreSQL database backup and restore.

Another option is, directly copy the database from one server to another server using pg_dump + psql. In this scenario, Database Administrator does not require any intermediate database backup file.

Open your windows command prompt and go to \PostgreSQL\bin directory where you can execute and test below two different commands.
Copy database from one server to another server (using, pg_dump | psql):
pg_dump -h host1 dbname | psql -h host2 dbname
Copy database, Using pg_dump utility for backup and restore:
Take full database backup:
pg_dump -U username database_name > filepath\backup.sql
Restore database backup:
pg_dump -U username database_name < filepath\backup.sql


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