How To move Postgresql archive log with tar fomat ? script
In this shell script will move and compress the Postgresql archive log to backup location, you can shedule it in crontab and change environment variable as per your firm
In this shell script will move and compress the Postgresql archive log to backup location, you can shedule it in crontab and change environment variable as per your firm
PGDATA=/data/ PGHOME=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.5/bin HOT=/backup WAL_LOC=/archive/ LOG=/home/postgres/cron_script_logs PGDATABASE=postgres PGUSER=postgres PGPORT=5432 TODAY=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y-%T") echo "Archive backup Start Time: `date +%d-%m-%y-%T`" >> $LOG/archiveinfo_$TODAY.log /opt/PostgreSQL/9.5/bin/psql -U $PGUSER -d $PGDATABASE -p $PGPORT -c "select pg_switch_xlog();" >> $LOG/archiveinfo_$TODAY.log tar --remove-files -cvzf $HOT/arch_$TODAY.tar.gz $WAL_LOC/* >> $LOG/archiveinfo_$TODAY.log echo "Archive backup End Time: `date +%d-%m-%y-%T`" >> $LOG/archiveinfo_$TODAY.log exit 0
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