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VirtualBox -V (return code: 1)

Qt WARNING: VirtualBox: cannot connect to X server 
VirtualBox --help (return code: 0)

Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager 5.0.18
(C) 2005-2016 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

  --startvm <vmname|UUID>    start a VM by specifying its UUID or name
  --separate                 start a separate VM process
  --normal                   keep normal (windowed) mode during startup
  --fullscreen               switch to fullscreen mode during startup
  --seamless                 switch to seamless mode during startup
  --scale                    switch to scale mode during startup
  --no-startvm-errormsgbox   do not show a message box for VM start errors
  --restore-current          restore the current snapshot before starting
  --no-aggressive-caching    delays caching media info in VM processes
  --fda <image|none>         Mount the specified floppy image
  --dvd <image|none>         Mount the specified DVD image
  --dbg                      enable the GUI debug menu
  --debug                    like --dbg and show debug windows at VM startup
  --debug-command-line       like --dbg and show command line window at VM startup
  --debug-statistics         like --dbg and show statistics window at VM startup
  --no-debug                 disable the GUI debug menu and debug windows
  --start-paused             start the VM in the paused state
  --start-running            start the VM running (for overriding --debug*)

Expert options:
  --disable-patm             disable code patching (ignored by AMD-V/VT-x)
  --disable-csam             disable code scanning (ignored by AMD-V/VT-x)
  --recompile-supervisor     recompiled execution of supervisor code (*)
  --recompile-user           recompiled execution of user code (*)
  --recompile-all            recompiled execution of all code, with disabled
                             code patching and scanning
  --execute-all-in-iem       For debugging the interpreted execution mode.
  --warp-pct <pct>           time warp factor, 100% (= 1.0) = normal speed
  (*) For AMD-V/VT-x setups the effect is --recompile-all.

The following environment (and extra data) variables are evaluated:
                             enable the GUI debug menu if set
                             show debug windows at VM startup
  VBOX_GUI_NO_DEBUGGER       disable the GUI debug menu and debug windows

Installed via


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