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VBoxHeadless --version (return code: 0)

Oracle VM VirtualBox Headless Interface 5.0.18
(C) 2008-2016 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

VBoxHeadless --help (return code: 0)

Oracle VM VirtualBox Headless Interface 5.0.18
(C) 2008-2016 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

   -s, -startvm, --startvm <name|uuid>   Start given VM (required argument)
   -v, -vrde, --vrde on|off|config       Enable or disable the VRDE server
                                           or don't change the setting (default)
   -e, -vrdeproperty, --vrdeproperty <name=[value]> Set a VRDE property:
                                     "TCP/Ports" - comma-separated list of
                                       ports the VRDE server can bind to; dash
                                       between two port numbers specifies range
                                     "TCP/Address" - interface IP the VRDE
                                       server will bind to
   --settingspw <pw>                 Specify the settings password
   --settingspwfile <file>           Specify a file containing the
                                       settings password
   -start-paused, --start-paused     Start the VM in paused state
   -c, -capture, --capture           Record the VM screen output to a file
   -w, --width                       Frame width when recording
   -h, --height                      Frame height when recording
   -r, --bitrate                     Recording bit rate when recording
   -f, --filename                    File name when recording. The codec used
                                       will be chosen based on file extension


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