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Testing your BDR-enabled system

Create a table and insert rows from your first node/instance:
    psql -p 5598 -U postgres bdrdemo

      CREATE TABLE t1bdr (c1 INT, PRIMARY KEY (c1));
      INSERT INTO t1bdr VALUES (1);
      INSERT INTO t1bdr VALUES (2);
      -- you will see two rows
      SELECT * FROM t1bdr;   
Check that the rows are there on your second node/instance. Now, delete a row:
    psql -p 5599 -U postgres bdrdemo

      -- you will see two rows
      SELECT * FROM t1bdr;
      DELETE FROM t1bdr WHERE c1 = 2;
      -- you will see one row
      SELECT * FROM t1bdr;    
Check that one row has been deleted from the first node/instance::
    psql -p 5598 -U postgres bdrdemo

      -- you will see one row
      SELECT * FROM t1bdr;


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