pgScript Scripting Language Reference
pgScript is composed of pgScript commands:
Command names (SELECT, IF, SET, ...) are case-insensitive and must be ended with a semi-column
. Identifiers are case-sensitive.Examples
Batch table creations
Insert random data
Batch table deletions
Print information on screen
SQL Commands
You can run ANY PostgreSQL query from a pgScript EXCEPT those ones:
This is because BEGIN and END are used for delimiting blocks. Instead use:
For a list of PostgreSQL commands:
There are two main types of variables : simple variables and records (result sets composed of lines and columns).
Variable names begin with a
and can be composed of letters, digits, _
, #
, @
Variable type is guessed automatically according to the kind of value it contains. This can be one of: number (real or integer), string, record.
Simple variables
Simple variable declaration
Declaring simple variable is optional:
Simple variable affectation
This is done with the SET command. The variable type depends on the value assigned to this variable:
An uninitialized variable defaults to an empty string. It is possible to override variables as many times as wanted:
Data generators
Data generators allows users to generate random values. There are various types of generators, each one producing different type of data. A variable initialized with a data generator behaves like a regular simple variable except that it has a different value each time it is used:
A variable can contain a generator but its type is one of: number (real or integer), string. For a list of available generators and their associated type, see generators.
Record declaration
Declaring a record is required. A name for each column must be specified even if they will not be used anymore afterwards:
The number of lines is dynamic: see the next section.
Record affectation
To access a specific location in a record, one must use the line number (starts at 0) and can use either the column name (between quotes) or the column number (starts at 0). This specific location behaves like a simple variable. Note that a record cannot contain a record:
In the above example, three empty lines are automatically inserted between the first and the fifth. Using an invalid column number or name results in an exception.
Specific location can be used as right values as well. A specific line can also be used as right value:
Remember that
SET @R1[0][0] = @R2
is impossible because a record cannot contain a record.
It is possible to assign a record to a variable, in this case the variable does not need to be declared:
SQL queries
Any SQL query executed returns a record. If the query is a
query then it returns the results of the query. If it is something else then it returns a one-line record (true
) if this is a success otherwise a zero-line record (false
):Record functions
See function2.
It is possible to convert a variable from one type to another with the cast function:
When a record is converted to a string, it is converted to its flat representation. When converted to a number, the record is first converted to a string and then to a number (see string conversion for more details).
When a number is converted to a string, it is converted to its string representation. When converted to a record, it is converted to a one-line-one-column record whose value is the number.
When a string is converted to a number, if the string represents a number then this number is returned else an exception is thrown. When converted to a record, either the program can find a record pattern in the string or it converts it to a one-line-one-column record whose value is the string. A record pattern is:
Remember a string is surrounded by simple quotes. Strings composing a record must be surrounded by double quotes which are escaped with
(we double the slash because it is already a special character for the enclosing simple quotes).Operations
Operations can only be performed between operands of the same type. Cast values in order to conform to this criterion.
Comparisons result in a number which is 0 or 1.
= <> > < <= >= AND OR
Boolean value: non-empty string is
, empty string is false
Inverse boolean value:
Case-insensitive comparison:
= <> > < <= >= AND OR
+ - * / %
Boolean value: 0 is
, anything else is true
Inverse boolean value:
(note that NOT NOT 10 = 1
An arithmetic operation involving at least one real number gives a real number as a result:
= <> > < <= >= AND OR
Boolean value: zero-line record is
, anything else is true
Inverse boolean value:
Comparisons for records are about inclusion and exclusion. Order of lines does not matter.
means that each row in the left operand has a match in the right operand. >=
means the opposite. =
means that <=
and >=
are both true at the same time...
Comparisons are performed on strings: even if a record contains numbers like
and 1e1
we will have '10' <> '1e1'
.Control-of-flow structures
Conditional structure
pgScript commands are optional. BEGIN and END keywords are optional if there is only one pgScript command.
Loop structure
pgScript commands are optional. BEGIN and END keywords are optional if there is only one pgScript command.
BREAK ends the enclosing WHILE loop, while CONTINUE causes the next iteration of the loop to execute. RETURN behaves like BREAK:
Conditions are in fact results of operations. For example the string comparison
'ab' = 'ac'
will result in a number which is false
(the equality is not true):
It is possible to the result of a SQL SELECT query directly as a condition. The query needs to be surrounded by parenthesis:
Additional functions and procedures
Procedures do not return a result. They must be used alone on a line and cannot be assigned to a variable.
Prints an expression on the screen:
Throws an exception if the expression evaluated is false:
Remove line
Removes the specified line of a record:
Functions do return a result. Their return value can be assigned to a variable, like the
Removes extra spaces surrounding a string:
Gives the number of lines in a record:
Gives the number of columns in a record:
Random data generators
Overview of the generators
One can assign a variable (SET) with a random data generators. This means each time the variable will be used it will have a different value.
However the variable is still used as usual:
Sequence and seeding
Common parameters for data generators are sequence and seed.
sequence means that a sequence of values is generated in a random order, in other words each value appears only once before the sequence starts again: this is useful for columns with a
constraint. For example, this generator:
It can generate such values:
Where each number appears once before the sequence starts repeating.
sequence parameter must be an integer: if it is 0 then no sequence is generated (default) and if something other than 0 then generate a sequence.
seed is an integer value for initializing a generator: two generators with the same parameters and the same seed will generate exactly the same values.
seed must be an integer: it is used directly to initialize the random data generator.
Data generators
Optional parameters are put into brackets:
Integer numbers
is an integer, max
is an integer, sequence
is an integer and seed
is an integer.Real numbers
is a number, max
is a number, precision
is an integer that indicates the number of decimals (should be less than 30), sequence
is an integer and seed
is an integer.Dates
is a string representing a date, max
is a string representing a date, sequence
is an integer and seed
is an integer.Times
is a string representing a time, max
is a string representing a time, sequence
is an integer and seed
is an integer.Timestamps (date/times)
is a string representing a timestamp, max
is a string representing a timestamp, sequence
is an integer and seed
is an integer.Strings
is an integer representing the minimum length of a word, max
is an integer representing the maximum length of a word, nb
is an integer representing the number of words (default: 1
) and seed
is an integer.
In the above example we generate 5 words (separated with a space) whose size is between 10 and 20 characters.
Strings from regular expressions
is a string representing a simplified regular expressions and seed
is an integer.
Simplified regular expressions are composed of:
- Sets of possible characters like
for characters betweena
- Single characters
It is possible to specify the minimum and maximum length of the preceding set or single character:
{min, max}
which stands for length between1
which stands for length of3
- Default (when nothing is specified) is length of
Note: be careful with spaces because
'a {3}'
means one a
followed by three spaces because the 3
is about the last character or set of characters which is a space in this example.
If you need to use
or }
, they must be escaped because they are special characters. Remember to use double backslash: '\\[{3}'
for three [
.Strings from dictionary files
is a string representing the path to a text file, sequence
is an integer, seed
is an integer and encoding
is a string representing the file character set (default is system encoding).
This generates a random integer between 1 and the number of lines in the file and then returns that line. If the file does not exist then an exception is thrown.
supports the most known encoding like utf-8, utf-16le, utf-16be, iso-8859-1, ...Reference to another field
is a string representing a table, column
is a string representing a column of the table, sequence
is an integer and seed
is an integer.
This is useful for generating data to put into foreign-key-constrained columns.
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