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Installing the patched PostgreSQL binaries

Information about installing BDR from packages can be found in Installing from packages or installing from source can be found in Installing from source code.
If you just want to try BDR out quickly and you're on a Linux system (or have a Linux VM to play with), you can run a script that'll set up a temporary BDR install in your home directory. This installation method is only suitable for trying out BDR, not for production or for use on a system with valuable data on it. To install the latest stable release, run:
    $ curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/2ndQuadrant/bdr/bdr-plugin/REL1_0_STABLE/scripts/bdr_quickstart.sh" | bash
When the install finishes, the script prints:
    BDR compiled and installed.

    Sources at /home/myuser/2ndquadrant_bdr/bdr-src
    Installed to /home/myuser/2ndquadrant_bdr/bdr

    Now add it to your PATH:
      export PATH=/home/myuser/2ndquadrant_bdr/bdr/bin:$PATH
    and carry on with the quickstart instructions.
To use these new binaries, set your path to point to them. If you used the quickstart script, it told you the command to use. If you installed from source, add the bin directory of your BDR install, e.g.:
    export PATH=$HOME/2ndquadrant_bdr/bdr/bin:$PATH
or, if you installed from RPMs, run:
    export PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin:$PATH
Note that this only affects the terminal you ran the install from and makes no permanent changes. If you wish you can change your path in your .bash_profile, or just run the export command in each terminal you open.


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