How To display the contents of my Oracle tablespace
Here is a data dictionary query that will display the contents of an Oracle tablespace:
You can use the following script to display the contents of a specified tabledpace:
This query will also display the contents of a tablespace:
You can use the following script to display the contents of a specified tabledpace:
owner,segment_name||'~'||partition_name segment_name,bytes/(1024*1024) meg
where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX'
order by
blocks desc);
This query will also display the contents of a tablespace:
break on file_id skip 1
column file_id heading "File|Id"
column tablespace_name for a15
column object for a15
column owner for a15
column MBytes for 999,999
select tablespace_name,
'free space' owner, /*"owner" of free space */
' ' object, /*blank object name */
file_id, /*file id for the extent header*/
block_id, /*block id for the extent header*/
CEIL(blocks*4/1024) MBytes /*length of the extent, in Mega Bytes*/
from dba_free_space
where tablespace_name like '&tablespace_name'
select tablespace_name,
substr(owner, 1, 20), /*owner name (first 20 chars)*/
substr(segment_name, 1, 32), /*segment name */
file_id, /*file id for extent header */
block_id, /*block id for extent header */
CEIL(blocks*4/1024) MBytes /*length of the extent, in Mega Bytes*/
from dba_extents
where tablespace_name like '&tablespace_name'
order by 1, 4, 5;
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