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bdftruncate -V (return code: 1)

Illegal threshold --version
Usage: bdftruncate [+w|-w] threshold <source.bdf >destination.bdf


  bdftruncate 0x3200 <6x13.bdf >6x13t.bdf

will generate the file 6x13t.bdf in which all glyphs with codes
>= 0x3200 will only be stored unencoded (i.e., ENCODING -1).
Option -w removes East Asian Wide and East Asian FullWidth characters
(default if threshold <= 0x3200), and option +w keeps them.
bdftruncate --help (return code: 1)

Illegal threshold --help
Usage: bdftruncate [+w|-w] threshold <source.bdf >destination.bdf


  bdftruncate 0x3200 <6x13.bdf >6x13t.bdf

will generate the file 6x13t.bdf in which all glyphs with codes
>= 0x3200 will only be stored unencoded (i.e., ENCODING -1).
Option -w removes East Asian Wide and East Asian FullWidth characters
(default if threshold <= 0x3200), and option +w keeps them.


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