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avahi-browse-domains --version (return code: 0)

avahi-browse-domains 0.6.32-rc
avahi-browse-domains --help (return code: 0)

avahi-browse-domains [options] 

    -h --help            Show this help
    -V --version         Show version
    -D --browse-domains  Browse for browsing domains instead of services
    -a --all             Show all services, regardless of the type
    -d --domain=DOMAIN   The domain to browse in
    -v --verbose         Enable verbose mode
    -t --terminate       Terminate after dumping a more or less complete list
    -c --cache           Terminate after dumping all entries from the cache
    -l --ignore-local    Ignore local services
    -r --resolve         Resolve services found
    -f --no-fail         Don't fail if the daemon is not available
    -p --parsable        Output in parsable format
    -k --no-db-lookup    Don't lookup service types
    -b --dump-db         Dump service type database


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