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autopkgtest-virt-qemu -V (return code: 2)

usage: autopkgtest-virt-qemu [-h] [-q QEMU_COMMAND] [-o OVERLAY_DIR] [-u USER]
                             [-p PASSWORD] [-c CPUS] [--ram-size RAM_SIZE]
                             [--timeout-reboot SECONDS] [--show-boot] [-d]
                             [--qemu-options QEMU_OPTIONS]
                             image [image ...]
autopkgtest-virt-qemu: error: the following arguments are required: image
autopkgtest-virt-qemu --help (return code: 0)

usage: autopkgtest-virt-qemu [-h] [-q QEMU_COMMAND] [-o OVERLAY_DIR] [-u USER]
                             [-p PASSWORD] [-c CPUS] [--ram-size RAM_SIZE]
                             [--timeout-reboot SECONDS] [--show-boot] [-d]
                             [--qemu-options QEMU_OPTIONS]
                             image [image ...]

positional arguments:
  image                 disk image to add to the VM (in order)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q QEMU_COMMAND, --qemu-command QEMU_COMMAND
                        QEMU command (default: qemu-system-x86_64)
  -o OVERLAY_DIR, --overlay-dir OVERLAY_DIR
                        Temporary overlay directory (default: in /tmp)
  -u USER, --user USER  user to log into the VM on ttyS0 (must be able to sudo
                        if not "root")
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        password for user to log into the VM on ttyS0
  -c CPUS, --cpus CPUS  Number of (virtual) CPUs in the VM (default: 1)
  --ram-size RAM_SIZE   VM RAM size in MiB (default: 1024)
  --timeout-reboot SECONDS
                        timeout for waiting for reboot (default: 60s)
  --show-boot           Show boot messages from serial console
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging output
  --qemu-options QEMU_OPTIONS
                        Pass through arguments to QEMU command.


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