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aspell --version (return code: 0)

@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 0.60.7-20110707)
aspell --help (return code: 0)

Aspell 0.60.7-20110707.  Copyright 2000-2011 by Kevin Atkinson.

Usage: aspell [options] <command>

<command> is one of:
  -?|usage         display a brief usage message
  help             display a detailed help message
  -c|check <file>  to check a file
  -a|pipe          "ispell -a" compatibility mode
  list             produce a list of misspelled words from standard input
  [dump] config    dumps the current configuration to stdout
  config <key>     prints the current value of an option
  soundslike       returns the sounds like equivalent for each word entered
  munch            generate possible root words and affixes
  expand [1-4]     expands affix flags
  clean [strict]   cleans a word list so that every line is a valid word
  -v|version       prints a version line
  munch-list [simple] [single|multi] [keep]
    reduce the size of a word list via affix compression
  conv <from> <to> [<norm-form>]
    converts from one encoding to another
  norm (<norm-map> | <from> <norm-map> <to>) [<norm-form>]
    perform Unicode normalization
  [dump] dicts | filters | modes
    lists available dictionaries / filters / filter modes
  dump|create|merge master|personal|repl [<name>]
    dumps, creates or merges a master, personal, or replacement dictionary.

  <norm-form>      normalization form to use, either none, internal, or strict

[options] is any of the following:

  --conf=<str>                main configuration file
  --conf-dir=<str>            location of main configuration file
  --data-dir=<str>            location of language data files
  --add|rem-dict-alias=<str>  create dictionary aliases
  --dict-dir=<str>            location of the main word list
  --encoding=<str>            encoding to expect data to be in
  --add|rem-filter=<str>      add or removes a filter
  --add|rem-filter-path=<str> path(s) aspell looks for filters
  --mode=<str>                filter mode
  -e,--mode=email             enter Email mode.
  -H,--mode=html              enter HTML mode.
  -t,--mode=tex               enter TeX mode.
  -n,--mode=nroff             enter Nroff mode.
  -D,--mode=debctrl           enter Debctrl mode.
  --add|rem-extra-dicts=<str> extra dictionaries to use
  --home-dir=<str>            location for personal files
  -W,--ignore=<int>           ignore words <= n chars
  --[dont-]ignore-case        ignore case when checking words
  --[dont-]ignore-repl        ignore commands to store replacement pairs
  --keyboard=<str>            keyboard definition to use for typo analysis
  -l,--lang=<str>             language code
  --local-data-dir=<str>      location of local language data files
  -d,--master=<str>           base name of the main dictionary to use
  --[dont-]normalize          enable Unicode normalization
  --[dont-]norm-required      Unicode normalization required for current lang
  --norm-form=<str>           Unicode normalization form: none, nfd, nfc, comp
  --[dont-]norm-strict        avoid lossy conversions when normalization
  --per-conf=<str>            personal configuration file
  -p,--personal=<str>         personal dictionary file name
  --prefix=<str>              prefix directory
  --repl=<str>                replacements list file name
  -C|-B,--[dont-]run-together consider run-together words legal
  --run-together-limit=<int>  maximum number that can be strung together
  --run-together-min=<int>    minimal length of interior words
  --[dont-]save-repl          save replacement pairs on save all
  --[dont-]set-prefix         set the prefix based on executable location
  --size=<str>                size of the word list
  --sug-mode=<str>            suggestion mode
  --sug-edit-dist=<int>       edit distance to use, override sug-mode default
  --[dont-]sug-typo-analysis  use typo analysis, override sug-mode default
  --[dont-]sug-repl-table     use replacement tables, override sug-mode default
  --add|rem-sug-split-char=<str> characters to insert when a word is split
  --[dont-]use-other-dicts    use personal, replacement & session dictionaries
  --add|rem-variety=<str>     extra information for the word list
  --[dont-]warn               enable warnings
  --[dont-]affix-compress     use affix compression when creating dictionaries
  --[dont-]clean-affixes      remove invalid affix flags
  --[dont-]clean-words        attempts to clean words so that they are valid
  --[dont-]invisible-soundslike compute soundslike on demand rather than storing
  --[dont-]partially-expand   partially expand affixes for better suggestions
  --[dont-]skip-invalid-words skip invalid words
  --[dont-]validate-affixes   check if affix flags are valid
  --[dont-]validate-words     check if words are valid
  -b|-x,--[dont-]backup       create a backup file by appending ".bak"
  --[dont-]byte-offsets       use byte offsets instead of character offsets
  -m|-P,--[dont-]guess        create missing root/affix combinations
  --keymapping=<str>          keymapping for check mode: "aspell" or "ispell"
  --[dont-]reverse            reverse the order of the suggest list
  --[dont-]suggest            suggest possible replacements
  --[dont-]time               time load time and suggest time in pipe mode

Available Dictionaries:
    Dictionaries can be selected directly via the "-d" or "master"
    option.  They can also be selected indirectly via the "lang",
    "variety", and "size" options.


Available Filters (and associated options):
    Filters can be added or removed via the "filter" option.

  url filter: filter to skip URL like constructs

  debctrl filter: filter for Debian packaging control files

  ddtp filter: filter for Debian DDTP-emails

  email filter: filter for skipping quoted text in email messages
  --add|rem-email-quote=<str> email quote characters
  --email-margin=<int>        num chars that can appear before the quote char

  tex filter: filter for dealing with TeX/LaTeX documents
  --[dont-]tex-check-comments check TeX comments
  --add|rem-tex-command=<str> TeX commands

  sgml filter: filter for dealing with generic SGML/XML documents
  --add|rem-sgml-check=<str>  SGML attributes to always check
  --add|rem-sgml-skip=<str>   SGML tags to always skip the contents of

  html filter: filter for dealing with HTML documents
  --add|rem-html-check=<str>  HTML attributes to always check
  --add|rem-html-skip=<str>   HTML tags to always skip the contents of

  context filter: experimental filter for hiding delimited contexts
  --add|rem-context-delimiters=<str> context delimiters (separated by spaces)
  --[dont-]context-visible-first swaps visible and invisible text

  texinfo filter: filter for dealing with Texinfo documents
  --add|rem-texinfo-ignore=<str> Texinfo commands to ignore the parameters of
  --add|rem-texinfo-ignore-env=<str> Texinfo environments to ignore

  nroff filter: filter for dealing with Nroff documents

Available Filter Modes:
    Filter Modes are reconfigured combinations of filters optimized for
    files of a specific type. A mode is selected via the "mode" option.
    This will happen implicitly if Aspell is able to identify the file
    type from the extension, and possibility the contents, of the file.

  comment        mode to check any lines starting with a #
  sgml           mode for checking generic SGML/XML documents
  none           mode to disable all filters
  url            mode to skip URL like constructs (default mode)
  perl           mode for checking Perl comments and string literals
  debctrl        mode for Debian packaging control files
  ccpp           mode for checking C++ comments and string literals
  ddtp           mode for Debian DDTP-emails
  nroff          mode for checking Nroff documents
  texinfo        mode for checking Texinfo documents
  tex            mode for checking TeX/LaTeX documents
  html           mode for checking HTML documents
  email          mode for skipping quoted text in email messages
Installed via


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