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arecordmidi --version (return code: 0)

arecordmidi version 1.1.0
arecordmidi --help (return code: 0)

Usage: arecordmidi [options] outputfile

Available options:
  -h,--help                  this help
  -V,--version               show version
  -l,--list                  list input ports
  -p,--port=client:port,...  source port(s)
  -b,--bpm=beats             tempo in beats per minute
  -f,--fps=frames            resolution in frames per second (SMPTE)
  -t,--ticks=ticks           resolution in ticks per beat or frame
  -s,--split-channels        create a track for each channel
  -m,--metronome=client:port play a metronome signal
  -i,--timesig=nn:dd         time signature


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