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applycal -V (return code: 2)

Apply device calibration to an ICC profile, Version 1.8.3
Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3
  Diagnostic: Too few arguments
usage: applycal [-options] [calfile.cal] inprof.icc [outprof.icc]
 -v              Verbose mode
 -a              Apply or re-apply calibration (default)
 -u              Remove calibration
 -c              Check calibration
 calfile.cal     Calibration file to apply
 inprof.icc      ICC profile to read
 outprof.icc     modified ICC profile to write
applycal -HELP (return code: 2)

Apply device calibration to an ICC profile, Version 1.8.3
Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3
  Diagnostic: Too few arguments
usage: applycal [-options] [calfile.cal] inprof.icc [outprof.icc]
 -v              Verbose mode
 -a              Apply or re-apply calibration (default)
 -u              Remove calibration
 -c              Check calibration
 calfile.cal     Calibration file to apply
 inprof.icc      ICC profile to read
 outprof.icc     modified ICC profile to write


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