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apparmor_status -V (return code: 1)

Error: Invalid command.
Usage: /usr/sbin/apparmor_status [OPTIONS]
Displays various information about the currently loaded AppArmor policy.
OPTIONS (one only):
  --enabled       returns error code if AppArmor not enabled
  --profiled      prints the number of loaded policies
  --enforced      prints the number of loaded enforcing policies
  --complaining   prints the number of loaded non-enforcing policies
  --verbose       (default) displays multiple data points about loaded policy set
  --help          this message
apparmor_status --help (return code: 0)

Usage: /usr/sbin/apparmor_status [OPTIONS]
Displays various information about the currently loaded AppArmor policy.
OPTIONS (one only):
  --enabled       returns error code if AppArmor not enabled
  --profiled      prints the number of loaded policies
  --enforced      prints the number of loaded enforcing policies
  --complaining   prints the number of loaded non-enforcing policies
  --verbose       (default) displays multiple data points about loaded policy set
  --help          this message


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