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apparmor_parser --version (return code: 0)

AppArmor parser version 2.10.95
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell Inc.
Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.
apparmor_parser --help (return code: 0)

AppArmor parser version 2.10.95
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell Inc.
Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.

Usage: apparmor_parser [options] [profile]

-a, --add  Add apparmor definitions [default]
-r, --replace  Replace apparmor definitions
-R, --remove  Remove apparmor definitions
-C, --Complain  Force the profile into complain mode
-B, --binary  Input is precompiled profile
-N, --names  Dump names of profiles in input.
-S, --stdout  Dump compiled profile to stdout
-o n, --ofile n  Write output to file n
-b n, --base n  Set base dir and cwd
-I n, --Include n Add n to the search path
-f n, --subdomainfs n Set location of apparmor filesystem
-m n, --match-string n  Use only features n
-M n, --features-file n Use only features in file n
-n n, --namespace n Set Namespace for the profile
-X, --readimpliesX Map profile read permissions to mr
-k, --show-cache Report cache hit/miss details
-K, --skip-cache Do not attempt to load or save cached profiles
-T, --skip-read-cache Do not attempt to load cached profiles
-W, --write-cache Save cached profile (force with -T)
    --skip-bad-cache Don't clear cache if out of sync
    --purge-cache Clear cache regardless of its state
    --debug-cache       Debug cache file checks
-L, --cache-loc n Set the location of the profile cache
-q, --quiet  Don't emit warnings
-v, --verbose  Show profile names as they load
-Q, --skip-kernel-load Do everything except loading into kernel
-V, --version  Display version info and exit
-d [n], --debug  Debug apparmor definitions OR [n]
-p, --preprocess Dump preprocessed profile
-D [n], --dump  Dump internal info for debugging
-O [n], --Optimize Control dfa optimizations
-h [cmd], --help[=cmd]  Display this text or info about cmd
-j n, --jobs n  Set the number of compile threads
--max-jobs n  Hard cap on --jobs. Default 8*cpus
--abort-on-error Abort processing of profiles on first error
--skip-bad-cache-rebuild Do not try rebuilding the cache if it is rejected by the kernel
--warn n  Enable warnings (see --help=warn)


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