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apgbfm -version (return code: 0)

APG Bloom filter management programm
version 2.2.3
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Adel I. Mirzazhanov
apgbfm -h (return code: 0)

apgbfm   APG Bloom filter management
         Copyright (c) 2001 Adel I. Mirzazhanov

apgbfm   -f filter < [-a word] | [-A dictfile] | [-n numofwords] |
                     [-c word] | [-C dictfile] | [-d dictfile] > [-s]
apgbfm   -i filter
apgbfm   [-v] [-h]

-a word        add word to filter
-A dictfile    add words from dictfile to filter
-c word        check word against filter
-C dictfile    check dictfile against filter
-n numofwords  create new empty filter
-d dictfile    create new filter and add all words from dictfile
-f filtername  use filtername as the name for filter
-q             quiet mode (do not print dots for -A and -d)
-s             create case insentive filter
-i filter      print filter information
-v             print version information
-h             print  help (this screen)


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