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aot-compile -V (return code: 1)

Usage: aot-compile [OPTION...] SRCDIR DSTDIR
AOT-compile all Java bytecode in SRCDIR into DSTDIR.

  -M, --make=PATH        make executable to use (/usr/bin/make)
  -C, --gcj=PATH         gcj executable to use (/usr/bin/gcj)
  -D, --dbtool=PATH      gcj-dbtool executable to use (/usr/bin/gcj-dbtool)
  -m, --makeflags=FLAGS  flags to pass to make during build
  -c, --gcjflags=FLAGS   flags to pass to gcj during compilation
                           in addition to '-g -O2 -fPIC -findirect-dispatch -fjni'
  -l, --ldflags=FLAGS    flags to pass to gcj during linking
                           in addition to '-Wl,-Bsymbolic'
  -e, --exclude=PATH     do not compile PATH
  -L, --libdir=DIR       overwrite destination directory

Extra flags may also be passed using the AOT_MAKEFLAGS, AOT_GCJFLAGS
and AOT_LDFLAGS environment variables.

The parallel=<n> option in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is passed to make unless
-j<n> is passed with -m, --makeflags
aot-compile --help (return code: 1)

Usage: aot-compile [OPTION...] SRCDIR DSTDIR
AOT-compile all Java bytecode in SRCDIR into DSTDIR.

  -M, --make=PATH        make executable to use (/usr/bin/make)
  -C, --gcj=PATH         gcj executable to use (/usr/bin/gcj)
  -D, --dbtool=PATH      gcj-dbtool executable to use (/usr/bin/gcj-dbtool)
  -m, --makeflags=FLAGS  flags to pass to make during build
  -c, --gcjflags=FLAGS   flags to pass to gcj during compilation
                           in addition to '-g -O2 -fPIC -findirect-dispatch -fjni'
  -l, --ldflags=FLAGS    flags to pass to gcj during linking
                           in addition to '-Wl,-Bsymbolic'
  -e, --exclude=PATH     do not compile PATH
  -L, --libdir=DIR       overwrite destination directory

Extra flags may also be passed using the AOT_MAKEFLAGS, AOT_GCJFLAGS
and AOT_LDFLAGS environment variables.

The parallel=<n> option in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is passed to make unless
-j<n> is passed with -m, --makeflags


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