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amidi --version (return code: 0)

amidi version 1.1.0
amidi --help (return code: 0)

Usage: amidi options

-h, --help             this help
-V, --version          print current version
-l, --list-devices     list all hardware ports
-L, --list-rawmidis    list all RawMIDI definitions
-p, --port=name        select port by name
-s, --send=file        send the contents of a (.syx) file
-r, --receive=file     write received data into a file
-S, --send-hex="..."   send hexadecimal bytes
-d, --dump             print received data as hexadecimal bytes
-t, --timeout=seconds  exits when no data has been received
                       for the specified duration
-a, --active-sensing   don't ignore active sensing bytes


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