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amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon --version (return code: 0)

Qt: 4.8.7
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.16
Amarok's MP3tunes Harmony Daemon: 0.1
amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon --help (return code: 0)

Usage: amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon [Qt-options] [KDE-options] identifier [email] [pin] 

Handles AutoSync for the MP3tunes service in Amarok.

Generic options:
  --help                    Show help about options
  --help-qt                 Show Qt specific options
  --help-kde                Show KDE specific options
  --help-all                Show all options
  --author                  Show author information
  -v, --version             Show version information
  --license                 Show license information
  --                        End of options

  identifier                The identifier the daemon should use.
  email                     The email to be used for authentication.
  pin                       The pin to be used for authentication.
Installed via


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