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amarok_afttagger --version (return code: 0)

Amarok AFT Tagger

server: irc.freenode.net / channels: #amarok, #amarok.de, #amarok.es, #amarok.fr


Usage: amarok_afttagger [options] +File/Folder(s)

User-modifiable Options:
+File/Folder(s)       : Files or folders to tag
-h, --help            : This help text
-r, --recursive       : Process files and folders recursively
-d, --delete          : Remove AFT tag
-n  --newid           : Replace any existing ID with a new one
-v, --verbose         : Verbose output
-q, --quiet           : Quiet output; Implies that you accept the terms of use
amarok_afttagger --help (return code: 0)

Amarok AFT Tagger

server: irc.freenode.net / channels: #amarok, #amarok.de, #amarok.es, #amarok.fr


Usage: amarok_afttagger [options] +File/Folder(s)

User-modifiable Options:
+File/Folder(s)       : Files or folders to tag
-h, --help            : This help text
-r, --recursive       : Process files and folders recursively
-d, --delete          : Remove AFT tag
-n  --newid           : Replace any existing ID with a new one
-v, --verbose         : Verbose output
-q, --quiet           : Quiet output; Implies that you accept the terms of use


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