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alsamixer --version (return code: 0)

alsamixer: unrecognized option '--version'
Usage: alsamixer [options]
Useful options:
  -h, --help              this help
  -c, --card=NUMBER       sound card number or id
  -D, --device=NAME       mixer device name
  -V, --view=MODE         starting view mode: playback/capture/all
Debugging options:
  -g, --no-color          toggle using of colors
  -a, --abstraction=NAME  mixer abstraction level: none/basic
alsamixer --help (return code: 0)

Usage: alsamixer [options]
Useful options:
  -h, --help              this help
  -c, --card=NUMBER       sound card number or id
  -D, --device=NAME       mixer device name
  -V, --view=MODE         starting view mode: playback/capture/all
Debugging options:
  -g, --no-color          toggle using of colors
  -a, --abstraction=NAME  mixer abstraction level: none/basic


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