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alsabat --version (return code: 0)

alsabat: unrecognized option '--version'
alsa-utils version 1.1.0

Usage: alsabat [-options]...

  -h, --help             this help
  -D                     pcm device for both playback and capture
  -P                     pcm device for playback
  -C                     pcm device for capture
  -f                     sample format
  -c                     number of channels
  -r                     sampling rate
  -n                     frames to playback or capture
  -k                     parameter for frequency detecting threshold
  -F                     target frequency
  -p                     total number of periods to play/capture
      --log=#            file that both stdout and strerr redirecting to
      --file=#           file for playback
      --saveplay=#       file that storing playback content, for debug
      --local            internal loop, set to bypass pcm hardware devices
Recognized sample formats are: U8 S16_LE S24_3LE S32_LE
The available format shotcuts are:
-f cd (16 bit little endian, 44100, stereo)
-f dat (16 bit little endian, 48000, stereo)
alsabat --help (return code: 0)

alsa-utils version 1.1.0

Usage: alsabat [-options]...

  -h, --help             this help
  -D                     pcm device for both playback and capture
  -P                     pcm device for playback
  -C                     pcm device for capture
  -f                     sample format
  -c                     number of channels
  -r                     sampling rate
  -n                     frames to playback or capture
  -k                     parameter for frequency detecting threshold
  -F                     target frequency
  -p                     total number of periods to play/capture
      --log=#            file that both stdout and strerr redirecting to
      --file=#           file for playback
      --saveplay=#       file that storing playback content, for debug
      --local            internal loop, set to bypass pcm hardware devices
Recognized sample formats are: U8 S16_LE S24_3LE S32_LE
The available format shotcuts are:
-f cd (16 bit little endian, 44100, stereo)
-f dat (16 bit little endian, 48000, stereo)
Installed via


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