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alsa-info.sh --version (return code: 0)

ALSA Information Script v 0.4.64

This script visits the following commands/files to collect diagnostic
information about your ALSA installation and sound related hardware.

  ~/.asoundrc (etc.)

See '/usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh --help' for command line options.

alsa-info.sh version 0.4.64

Available options:
 --with-aplay (includes the output of aplay -l)
 --with-amixer (includes the output of amixer)
 --with-alsactl (includes the output of alsactl)
 --with-configs (includes the output of ~/.asoundrc and
     /etc/asound.conf if they exist)
 --with-devices (shows the device nodes in /dev/snd/)
 --with-dmesg (shows the ALSA/HDA kernel messages)

 --output FILE (specify the file to output for no-upload mode)
 --update (check server for script updates)
 --upload (upload contents to remote server)
 --no-upload (do not upload contents to remote server)
 --pastebin (use http://pastebin.ca) as remote server
     instead www.alsa-project.org
 --stdout (print alsa information to standard output
     instead of a file)
 --about (show some information about the script)
 --debug (will run the script as normal, but will not
      delete /tmp/alsa-info.ek11gYhShY/alsa-info.txt)
alsa-info.sh --help (return code: 0)

alsa-info.sh version 0.4.64

Available options:
 --with-aplay (includes the output of aplay -l)
 --with-amixer (includes the output of amixer)
 --with-alsactl (includes the output of alsactl)
 --with-configs (includes the output of ~/.asoundrc and
     /etc/asound.conf if they exist)
 --with-devices (shows the device nodes in /dev/snd/)
 --with-dmesg (shows the ALSA/HDA kernel messages)

 --output FILE (specify the file to output for no-upload mode)
 --update (check server for script updates)
 --upload (upload contents to remote server)
 --no-upload (do not upload contents to remote server)
 --pastebin (use http://pastebin.ca) as remote server
     instead www.alsa-project.org
 --stdout (print alsa information to standard output
     instead of a file)
 --about (show some information about the script)
 --debug (will run the script as normal, but will not
      delete /tmp/alsa-info.uPtk2bAxNr/alsa-info.txt)
Installed via


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