al --help
al --version (return code: 0)
Mono Assembly Linker (al.exe) version
al --help (return code: 0) Mono Assembly Linker (al.exe) version Usage: al [options] [sources] Options: ('/out' must be specified) /? or /help Display this usage message @<filename> Read response file for more options /algid:<id> Algorithm used to hash files (in hexadecimal) /base[address]:<addr> Base address for the library /bugreport:<filename> Create a 'Bug Report' file /comp[any]:<text> Company name /config[uration]:<text> Configuration string /copy[right]:<text> Copyright message /c[ulture]:<text> Supported culture /delay[sign][+|-] Delay sign this assembly /descr[iption]:<text> Description /e[vidence]:<filename> Security evidence file to embed /fileversion:<version> Optional Win32 version (overrides assembly version) /flags:<flags> Assembly flags (in hexadecimal) /fullpaths Display files using fully-qualified filenames /keyf[ile]:<filename> File containing key to sign the assembly /keyn[ame]:<text> Key container name of key to sign assembly /main:<method> Specifies the method name of the entry point /nologo Suppress the startup banner and copyright message /out:<filename> Output file name for the assembly manifest /prod[uct]:<text> Product name /productv[ersion]:<text> Product version /t[arget]:lib[rary] Create a library /t[arget]:exe Create a console executable /t[arget]:win[exe] Create a Windows executable /template:<filename> Specifies an assembly to get default options from /title:<text> Title /trade[mark]:<text> Trademark message /v[ersion]:<version> Version (use * to auto-generate remaining numbers) /win32icon:<filename> Use this icon for the output /win32res:<filename> Specifies the Win32 resource file Sources: (at least one source input is required) <filename>[,<targetfile>] add file to assembly /embed[resource]:<filename>[,<name>[,Private]] embed the file as a resource in the assembly /link[resource]:<filename>[,<name>[,<targetfile>[,Private]]] link the file as a resource to the assembly Installed via mono-devel Path /usr/bin/al
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