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airtun-ng -V (return code: 1)

airtun-ng: unrecognized option '--version'
"airtun-ng --help" for help.
airtun-ng -HELP (return code: 1)

  Airtun-ng 1.2 rc4 - (C) 2006-2015 Thomas d'Otreppe
  Original work: Martin Beck

  usage: airtun-ng <options> <replay interface>

      -x nbpps         : number of packets per second (default: 100)
      -a bssid         : set Access Point MAC address
                         In WDS Mode this sets the Receiver
      -i iface         : capture packets from this interface
      -y file          : read PRGA from this file
      -w wepkey        : use this WEP-KEY to encrypt packets
      -p pass          : use this WPA passphrase to decrypt packets
                         (use with -a and -e)
      -e essid         : target network SSID (use with -p)
      -t tods          : send frames to AP (1) or to client (0)
                         or tunnel them into a WDS/Bridge (2)
      -r file          : read frames out of pcap file
      -h MAC           : source MAC address

  WDS/Bridge Mode options:
      -s transmitter   : set Transmitter MAC address for WDS Mode
      -b               : bidirectional mode. This enables communication
                         in Transmitter's AND Receiver's networks.
                         Works only if you can see both stations.

  Repeater options:
      --repeat         : activates repeat mode
      --bssid <mac>    : BSSID to repeat
      --netmask <mask> : netmask for BSSID filter

      --help           : Displays this usage screen


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