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airdecap-ng -HELP

airdecap-ng -V (return code: 1)

airdecap-ng: unrecognized option '--version'
"airdecap-ng --help" for help.
airdecap-ng -HELP (return code: 1)

  Airdecap-ng 1.2 rc4 - (C) 2006-2015 Thomas d'Otreppe

  usage: airdecap-ng [options] <pcap file>

  Common options:
      -l         : don't remove the 802.11 header
      -b <bssid> : access point MAC address filter
      -e <essid> : target network SSID
      -o <fname> : output file for decrypted packets (default <src>-dec)

  WEP specific option:
      -w <key>   : target network WEP key in hex
      -c <fname> : output file for corrupted WEP packets (default <src>-bad)

  WPA specific options:
      -p <pass>  : target network WPA passphrase
      -k <pmk>   : WPA Pairwise Master Key in hex

      --help     : Displays this usage screen


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