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adt-virt-ssh -V (return code: 2)

usage: adt-virt-ssh [-h] [-d] [-H HOSTNAME] [-i IDENTITY] [-l LOGIN]
                    [-P PASSWORD] [-p PORT] [-o OPTIONS] [-r]
                    [--capability CAPABILITY] [-s SETUP_SCRIPT]
                    [--timeout-ssh SECS]
adt-virt-ssh: error: unrecognized arguments: --version
adt-virt-ssh --help (return code: 0)

usage: adt-virt-ssh [-h] [-d] [-H HOSTNAME] [-i IDENTITY] [-l LOGIN]
                    [-P PASSWORD] [-p PORT] [-o OPTIONS] [-r]
                    [--capability CAPABILITY] [-s SETUP_SCRIPT]
                    [--timeout-ssh SECS]

positional arguments:
  scriptargs            Additional arguments to pass to the setup script for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging output
  -H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
                        hostname with optional user: [user@]hostname
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        Selects a file from which the identity (private key)
                        for public key authentication is read
  -l LOGIN, --login LOGIN
                        Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Specifies the sudo password on the remote host. It can
                        be the password in clear text or a file containing the
  -p PORT, --port PORT  ssh port to use to connect to the host
  -o OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
                        Passed verbatim to ssh; see man ssh_config
  -r, --reboot          Indicate that testbed supports reboot
  --capability CAPABILITY
                        Indicate that testbed supports given capability. Can
                        be specified multiple times. Never use this on
                        precious testbeds!
  -s SETUP_SCRIPT, --setup-script SETUP_SCRIPT
                        Setup script to prepare testbed and ssh connection
  --timeout-ssh SECS    Timeout for waiting for the ssh connection, in seconds
                        (default: 300)


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