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Slony-I Replication for Postgres Plus

Feature Description
Slony-I is a pre-bundled enterprise module installed by default with Postgres Plus Standard Server and Postgres Plus Advanced Server.

Slony-I or Slony, as it will be referred to hereafter, provides the ability to replicate transactions from one master database to one or more slave databases. Slony is a trigger-based replication solution that asynchronously replicates every transaction that occurs on a source table or sequence object (sequence number generator created by the CREATE SEQUENCE statement) to the subscribed slave databases.

Slony replication is very versatile and can be used for a number of different applications:
Safeguard data with failover/standby capabilities
Optimize online transaction processing
How to Set Up Slony-I Replication for Postgres Plus
Offload reporting/BI queries
Backup and restore
Migrate systems

The following is a summary of some of the basic characteristics of Slony:
Replication is unidirectional from master to slave databases.
Replication is from a single master.
Replicated tables in slave databases cannot be modified by other applications.
Replication is asynchronous. Transactions are committed independently on the master and each slave in near real time.
The types of database objects that can be replicated are tables and sequence objects. Replicated tables must have a primary key or a unique, non-null index that can substitute for a primary key.
Replication can be cascaded. Instead of receiving replicated data directly from the master, a slave may receive replicated data from another slave, instead.
The following is a brief description of some of the other features of Slony.

Controlled Switchover
At times, it may be necessary to bring the master node offline for a variety of reasons such as to perform system maintenance or a system upgrade. In that case, you would want one of the slave nodes to temporarily take over the role of the master node while the original master becomes a slave node and could hence, be taken offline.
This exchange of roles is called controlled switchover. When you perform a controlled switchover, the old master becomes a slave node and the slave node becomes the master node. All other slave nodes are notified of the change and become subscribers of the new master node.

In the event of a catastrophic failure of the master node, Slony supports the failover of the master node to a slave node. Failover is an irreversible action so it should only be done if the master node is not recoverable. Once the failover process is completed, the old master can be removed from the configuration. The new master takes over replication to the other slaves in the cluster.
How to Set Up Slony-I Replication for Postgres Plus

Slony Concepts
The following terms are used to describe the components of a Slony replication system:

Cluster. A set of nodes (databases) participating in Slony replication.
Node. A distinct database identified by a unique combination of IP address, port number, and database name.
Service. A named, high level definition of a node.
Path. Connection information between nodes in a cluster.
Replication Set. A set of tables, and optionally, sequence objects, whose data is to be replicated.
Master. Also referred to as the origin, the node that is the sole source of the table data for all other nodes subscribing to a replication set. There is exactly one master node for a replication set. The master node is the only node in which applications can modify table data belonging to the replication set.
Slave. Also referred to as a subscriber, a node that receives replicated data from another node. Applications cannot modify table data on a slave node as the data will become out-of-sync with the master.
Provider. A node that provides replicated data to another node. The master node is a provider. A slave node can also act as a provider in a cascaded subscription model.
Cascaded Subscription. A replication model where at least one node acts as both a provider and a subscriber. That is, the node receives replicated data from a provider, and in turn, replicates it to one or more subscribers.
slon. The Slony daemon that controls replication. For Linux each node has its own slon daemon. For Windows there is one slon service on the host. A Slony replication engine is registered with the slon service for each Windows node.
slonik. The utility program that processes commands to create and update a Slony configuration.

Differences in procedures for Microsoft Windows® systems are noted throughout the instructions.

Note: When a distinction must be made between a Postgres Plus database that participates in Slony replication and the operating environment in which the Postgres Plus database resides, the Postgres Plus database will be referred to as the node and the surrounding operating environment will be referred to as the host.

The environment is as follows:

Note: For Advanced Server, substitute enterprisedb for postgres as the database superuser.

Preparing the Nodes

Step 1: Verify that Slony is installed on the master host and on the slave host. The Slony files are located under the bin subdirectory (dbserver/bin for Advanced Server) of the Postgres Plus home directory. You should see files named slon and slonik in this subdirectory.

Note: For Advanced Server on Windows, you should see files named edb-replication and slonik. The file edb-replication takes the place of slon as the Slony executable.

Note: When installing Standard Server, if you de-selected the Slony component, the slon and slonik programs are not installed. If you did not install Slony, you can use StackBuilder Plus to add Slony to your Standard Server configuration.

Step 2: Create a working directory on the master host and on the slave host where you will create and store the scripts to configure and run Slony.

For this example /home/user/testcluster is used as the working directory on both the master and on the slave (C:\testcluster for Windows hosts).

Step 3: Create a superuser with catalog modification privileges on the master node and on the slave node that will be used for Slony configuration and replication. In this example, the superuser is named slony on both the master and on the slave.

This can be done in pgAdmin in Standard Server (Postgres Studio in Advanced Server).
Click the secondary mouse button on the Login Roles node in the Object Browser.
Choose New Login Role and fill out the new Login Role dialog box.

Click the Role Privileges tab and check the Superuser and Can Modify Catalog Directly check boxes. Click the OK button.

Step 4: Configure and reload the pg_hba.conf file on the master host and on the slave host.
The pg_hba.conf file is the host-based authentication configuration file. In a default Postgres Plus installation, this file is located in the data subdirectory of the Postgres Plus home directory.
You will need to make sure that it is configured properly on each host to allow connections from every other host in the Slony cluster.
On the master host in a 2-node replication system, the entry you add to permit connection to the master node from the slave host has the following form:
host master_dbname masterdb_user slave_ipaddr/32 md5

master host has the following form:
unzip2 slony1-2.1.0.tar.bz2
#tar -xvf slony1-2.1.0.tar
# cd slony1-2.1.0
#./configure --prefix=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin 
host slave_dbname slavedb_user master_ipaddr/32 md5

For Linux only: Be sure there is an entry for the local node, which is used by the slon daemon to communicate with its own node.
The resulting pg_hba.conf file on the master host appears as follows:
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only md5
local all  all  
# IPv4 local connections: md5
host reptest_node1  slony  
host all  all md5
# IPv6 local connections: ::1/128 md5
host all  all  

The resulting pg_hba.conf file on the slave host appears as follows:
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only md5
local all  all  
# IPv4 local connections: md5
host reptest_node2  slony  
host all  all md5
# IPv6 local connections: ::1/128 md5
host all  all  

Be sure to reload the configuration file on each host after making the file modifications.

Choose Reload Configuration (Expert Configuration, then Restart Database on Advanced Server) from the Postgres Plus application menu. This will put the modified pg_hba.conf file into effect.

Step 5: Define a pg_service.conf file on the master host and on the slave host.

The connection service file, pg_service.conf, contains connection information that can be referenced using a service name. Defining a service for each node in the Slony cluster greatly simplifies other scripts since you define this information once instead of in every script.
Note: A template named pg_service.conf.sample that can be copied and modified is located in the share/postgresql subdirectory (dbserver/share in Advanced Server) of the Postgres Plus home directory. For Standard Server on Windows hosts, this file is in the share subdirectory.

For this example, the service name assigned to the master node is The service name assigned to the slave node is

The service entries in the pg_service.conf file on the master host appear as follows:



The service entries in the pg_service.conf file on the slave host appear as follows:


Before running the slon or slonik programs, set the environment variable PGSYSCONFDIR to the directory containing the pg_service.conf file. (For Windows hosts, add a system environment variable named PGSYSCONFDIR.) This process is described in more detail in the next section.

For this example pg_service.conf is stored in directory /home/user/testcluster (C:\testcluster for Windows) on each host.

Step 6: Use the pg_dump utility program to create a backup file of the schema and table definitions of the master tables that you wish to replicate. Do not include the table data in your backup file.

The pg_dump command to use has the following form:
pg_dump -U user -n schema -s -f backup_file database_name
Program pg_dump is located in the bin subdirectory (dbserver/bin for Advanced Server) of the Postgres Plus home directory.

The following example creates a backup file named sample.backup containing the sample schema with the dept and emp tables from database reptest_node1:
cd /opt/PostgresPlus/8.4SS/bin

./pg_dump -U postgres -n sample -s -f /home/user/sample.backup reptest_node1
Step 7: Copy the backup file to the slave host. On the slave host, restore the backup file
to the database to which you want to replicate the master tables. Use the psql utility program to restore the backup file:
psql -U user -f backup_file database_name
Program psql is located in the bin subdirectory (dbserver/bin for Advanced Server) of the Postgres Plus home directory.

Note: For Advanced Server on Windows, use program edb-psql.

In the following example, the createdb program is used to create the reptest_node2 database, and then the psql program is used to restore the sample schema from the sample.backup file into the reptest_node2 database.
cd /opt/PostgresPlus/8.4SS/bin ./createdb -U postgres reptest_node2 ./psql -U postgres -f /home/user/sample.backup reptest_node2
There are now table definitions, but no data, for sample.dept and sample.emp in the reptest_node2 database:
./psql -U postgres reptest_node2

psql (8.4.1)
Type "help" for help.

reptest_node2=# SELECT * FROM sample.dept;
deptno | dname | loc
(0 rows)

reptest_node2=# SELECT * FROM sample.emp;
empno | ename | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comm | deptno
(0 rows)

Configuring the Cluster and Starting Replication
Configuration of the Slony cluster is done by supplying commands to the slonik utility program. Separate script files are constructed for each step of the configuration process. This will help ensure that you successfully complete each step of the process before proceeding to the next one and will make troubleshooting much easier.

Step 1: Log on to the master host using any valid account on the computer. (For Windows, use a computer administrator account.)

For Linux only: Set the environment variable PGSYSCONFDIR to the directory containing the pg_service.conf file. Change to your working directory where you will create and run the slonik scripts.
export PGSYSCONFDIR=/home/user/testcluster
cd /home/user/testcluster
For Windows only: Add the environment variable PGSYSCONFDIR to the system. In the Control Panel, open System, select the Advanced tab, and click the Environment Variables button. Add PGSYSCONFDIR with value C:\testcluster to System Variables.

Note: Other applications using libpq may also be affected by the use of this environment variable.

For Windows XP only: Restart your computer at this point. (The Slony service that you will register in Step 8 will not have access to the new PGSYSCONFDIR system environment variable unless you restart the computer.)

Open a Command Prompt window.

For Windows Vista only: If you are using User Account Control, run the Command Prompt window as an administrator. (Click the secondary mouse button on Command Prompt, and then in the Command Prompt submenu, click the primary mouse button on Run as Administrator.)

In the Command Prompt window, verify PGSYSCONFDIR is set to the working directory.

Change to your working directory where you will create and run the slonik scripts.

Step 2: Repeat Step 1 on the slave host. You should now have two terminal sessions running – one on the master host and one on the slave host.

Step 3: Continue with the following steps on the master host. Create a preamble file to provide connection information for each node in the cluster. This connection information is used by the slonik program to set up and control administration of the cluster.

The following is preamble file preamble.sk:
# file preamble.sk

cluster name = testcluster;
node 1 admin conninfo = 'service='; node 2 admin conninfo = 'service=';
The name assigned to the cluster is testcluster. The CONNINFO parameters reference the service names defined in the pg_service.conf file.

Use the INCLUDE statement in other slonik scripts to reference the preamble file:
include <preamble.sk>;
Step 4: Create a script to define the Slony replication cluster. The replication cluster is defined using the INIT CLUSTER command.
The following is script initcluster.sk:
#file initcluster.sk
include <preamble.sk>;
init cluster (id=1, comment='hostname=');

In the INIT CLUSTER command, the master node is assigned a numeric identifier (typically, 1) using the ID parameter.

Run the script you just created.

For Linux only: Be sure you add execute permission to this script (and all other scripts created in subsequent steps) before running it.
$chmod ugo+x initcluster.sk
./initcluster.sk:7: Possible unsupported PostgreSQL version (80401) 8.4, defaulting to 8.3 support
Note: The warning message displayed in the output can be ignored.

For Windows only: Create a batch file to run script initcluster.sk and all subsequent slonik scripts created in these instructions.

The following is Windows batch file runslonik.bat:

REM file runslonik.bat
REM Batch file to run slonik

C:\"Program Files"\PostgresPlus\8.4SS\bin\slonik < %1
Run the batch file with the initcluster.sk script as a parameter as follows:
C:\testcluster>runslonik initcluster.sk

<stdin>:7: Possible unsupported PostgreSQL version (80401) 8.4, defaulting to 8.3 support
Step 5: Create a script to add the slave node to the replication cluster. The node is added using the STORE NODE command.

The following is script addnode.sk:

#file addnode.sk
include <preamble.sk>;
store node (id=2, comment='hostname=', event node=1);
The slave node is assigned an identifier of 2 using the ID parameter.

Note: Specification of the EVENT NODE parameter is required in the STORE NODE command for Slony version 2.x. Prior 1.x versions of Slony allowed omission of this parameter for a default value.

Run the script you just created.
$ ./addnode.sk

./addnode.sk:7: Possible unsupported PostgreSQL version (80401) 8.4, defaulting to 8.3 support
Note: The warning message displayed in the output can be ignored.

Step 6: Create a script to add communication paths to the replication cluster. Communication paths are added using the STORE PATH command. The communication paths are used by Slony daemons to connect to remote nodes in the cluster.

The following is script addpaths.sk:
#file addpaths.sk
include <preamble.sk>;
store path (server=1, client=2, conninfo='service=');
store path (server=2, client=1, conninfo='service=');
There should be a STORE PATH command from each node to every other node.
(Connections are not established unless they are actually used.)

For this 2-node example, the first STORE PATH command provides the communication path for the Slony daemon running on the slave host to connect to the master node. The second STORE PATH command provides the communication path for the Slony daemon running on the master host to connect to the slave node.

Run the script you just created.
$ ./addpaths.sk
Step 7: Create a Slony daemon configuration file on the master host and on the slave host for the parameters needed to start the Slony daemon for each respective node. The parameters define how the daemon connects to the named cluster.

The following is configuration file on the master host:
The following is configuration file on the slave host:
Step 8: Start Slony on the master host.
For Linux only: Start the Slony daemon on the master host. The Slony daemon executable named slon, is found in the bin subdirectory (dbserver/bin for Advanced Server) of the Postgres Plus home directory.

The command to start the Slony daemon using the configuration file created in the prior step is the following:
slon –f configfile > logfile 2>&1 &
On the master host, start the Slony daemon as follows:
$/opt/PostgresPlus/8.4SS/bin/slon -f > slon.log 2>&1 & [1] 5877

You can verify that the Slony daemon is running by using the following command:
ps aux | grep slon
This is shown by the following:
$ ps aux | grep slon
user 5877 0.0 0.1 4756 1204 pts/2 S 13:03 0:00
/opt/PostgresPlus/8.4SS/bin/slon -f
user 5879 0.0 0.1 54064 1116 pts/2 Sl 13:03 0:00
/opt/PostgresPlus/8.4SS/bin/slon -f
postgres 5883 0.0 0.4 48752 4964 ? Ss 13:03 0:00 postgres:
slony reptest_node1 [local] idle
postgres 5885 0.0 0.5 49088 5688 ? Ss 13:03 0:00 postgres:
slony reptest_node1 [local] idle
postgres 5888 0.0 0.3 48216 3152 ? Ss 13:03 0:00 postgres:
slony reptest_node1 [local] idle
postgres 5890 0.0 0.5 48784 5204 ? Ss 13:03 0:00 postgres:
slony reptest_node1 [local] idle
user 5896 0.0 0.0 3064 732 pts/2 S+ 13:04 0:00 grep slon
Check the log file, slon.log, to verify that there are no error messages.

For Windows only: Register the Slony service, and then register a Slony replication engine with the Slony service.

A Slony service is registered with the following command:
slon –regservice service_name
A Slony replication engine is registered to the service with the following command:
slon –addengine service_name configfile
Note: For Advanced Server, use program edb-replication in place of slon.
The following shows the creation of a service named Slony along with a replication engine:
C:\testcluster>set PATH=C:\Program Files\PostgresPlus\8.4SS\bin;%PATH%
C:\testcluster>slon -regservice Slony
Service registered.
Before you can run Slony, you must also register an engine!

WARNING! Service is registered to run as Local System. You are encouraged to change this to a low privilege account to increase system security.

C:\testcluster>slon -addengine Slony C:\testcluster\ Engine added.
NOTE! You need to restart the Slony service before this takes effect.
Start the Slony service by opening Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Services. Select the Slony service and click the Start link.
Use the Windows Event Viewer for applications to check for any Slony errors. In the same Administrative Tools window of the Control Panel that you used to start the Slony service, open Event Viewer, (then open Windows Logs if you are using Windows Vista), then open Application.

Step 9: Start Slony on the slave host.
For Linux only: On the slave host repeat Step 8 using the Slony daemon configuration file you created in Step 7 for the slave node:
$/opt/PostgresPlus/8.4SS/bin/slon -f > slon.log 2>&1 & [1] 9522
For Windows only: On the slave host repeat Step 8 using the Slony daemon configuration file you created in Step 7 for the slave node.
C:\testcluster>set PATH=C:\Program Files\PostgresPlus\8.4SS\bin;%PATH%

C:\testcluster>slon -regservice Slony
Service registered.
Before you can run Slony, you must also register an engine!

WARNING! Service is registered to run as Local System. You are encouraged to change this to a low privilege account to increase system security.

C:\testcluster>slon -addengine Slony C:\testcluster\ Engine added.
NOTE! You need to restart the Slony service before this takes effect.
Step 10: Continue with this step on the master host. Create a script to add a replication set to the replication cluster. A replication set is added using the CREATE SET command.

A replication set contains the database objects that you wish to replicate from the master node to the slave node.

The following is script buildset.sk:
#file buildset.sk
include <preamble.sk>;
create set (id=1, origin=1, comment='source tables for repset #1');
This replication set is assigned an identifier of 1 using the ID parameter.

Run the script you just created.
$ ./buildset.sk
Step 11: Create a script to add tables to the replication set. Tables are added using the SET ADD TABLE command.

Slony requires a primary key or a unique, non-null index on each replicated table otherwise the SET ADD TABLE command will fail, and an error message will be displayed.

For each table provide values for the following parameters:
SET ID. Replication set identifier
ORIGIN. Origin node identifier
ID. Identifier to be assigned to the table that must be unique amongst all table identifiers in the cluster
FULLY QUALIFIED NAME. Fully qualified table name
COMMENT. Description of the table
KEY. Primary key name or unique, non-null index name (not qualified by the schema name)

Note: Tables that are dependent upon each other by foreign key constraints must be added to the same replication set.

The following is script addtables.sk:
#file addtables.sk
include <preamble.sk>;
set add table(set id=1, origin=1, id=1, fully qualified name='sample.dept', comment='source table #1', key='dept_pk');
set add table(set id=1, origin=1, id=2, fully qualified name='sample.emp', comment='source table #2', key='emp_pk');
Run the script you just created.
$ ./addtables.sk
Step 12: Create a script to subscribe the slave node to the replication set. Nodes are subscribed to a replication set using the SUBSCRIBE SET command.

For each slave joining the replication set, provide the following parameters:
ID. Replication set identifier
PROVIDER. Node identifier of the data provider for the slave
RECEIVER. Node identifier of the slave subscribing to the set
FORWARD. Set to YES to allow this slave to become a provider at some point in the future
The following is script subscribeset.sk:

#file subscribeset.sk for adding subscribers to replication set

include <preamble.sk>;

subscribe set (id=1, provider=1, receiver=2, forward=yes); sync(id=1);
wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=2, wait on=1);
Run the script you just created.
$ ./subscribeset.sk
The Slony daemons synchronize with each other and initialization of the slave database begins. The tables in the slave are truncated and the data in the master node is copied to the slave node. If data fails to replicate to the slave node, look for error messages in the slon.log file (for Windows, use Event Viewer for applications) on the master host and on the slave host.

You now have a complete Slony replication environment.


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