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Stop ASM RAC instance

ASM Instance stoping problem

[root@db-node2 bin]# ./crs_stop ora.db-node2.ASM2.asm
CRS-1016: Resources depending on 'ora.db-node2.ASM2.asm' are running
CRS-0223: Resource 'ora.db-node2.ASM2.asm' has placement error.
[root@db-node2 bin]# ./crs_stop ora.db-node2.ASM2.asm -f
Target set to OFFLINE for `ora.exchdb.exchdb2.inst`
Attempting to stop `ora.db-node2.ASM2.asm` on member `db-node2`
Stop of `ora.db-node2.ASM2.asm` on member `db-node2` succeeded.
[root@db-node2 bin]#


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