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Here we are creating array table using json data type and and also explained how to   retrieve the array data from json table and how to understand the array data.
postgres=# create table TAB_ARRAY (id INT,BOOKS json);
--Let us inserting array  values
insert into tab_array values (1, '{
  "book_name": "story",
  "book_id": ["111", "232", "353", "484"] }' 

insert into tab_array values (2, '{
  "book_name": "the king",
  "book_id": ["1231", "78", "7", "9"] }' 

--List down the tab_array table
postgres=# select * from tab_array;
 id |                    books                    
  1 | {                                          +
    |   "book_name": "story",                    +
    |   "book_id": ["111", "232", "353", "484"] }
  2 | {                                          +
    |   "book_name": "the king",                 +
    |   "book_id": ["1231", "78", "7", "9"] }
(2 rows)  
--filter the json data
postgres=# select id, books->'book_id'->>2 from tab_array;
 id | ?column? 
  1 | 353
  2 | 7
(2 rows)

postgres=# select id, books->'book_id'->>0 from tab_array where id=1;
 id | ?column? 
  1 | 111
(1 row)  
Note:Array start from 0 ...N you will undestand json array below example
["111", "232", "353", "484"]     ------>array values
    0        1         2        3         ------> array start from 0...3
from above notes 
if u give  where id=1 and books->'book_id'->>1 means it return 232
if u give  where id=1 and books->'book_id'->>2 means it return 353
if u give  where id=1 and books->'book_id'->>3 means it return 484
if u give  where id=1 and books->'book_id'->>0 means it return 111


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