ERROR: operator does not exist: text ->> unknown LINE 1: ...stomer' as customer_name,sales_info ->>'PRODUCTS' ->>'produc... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
postgres=# select * from sales;
id | sales_info
1 | { "customer": "NIJAM", "PRODUCTS": {"product_name": "choclate","total_item": 6}}
2 | { "customer": "ABU", "PRODUCTS": {"product_name": "badam","total_item": 5}}
3 | { "customer": "UMAR", "PRODUCTS": {"product_name": "mobile","total_item": 1}}
(3 rows)
postgres=# SELECT sales_info ->>'customer' as customer_name,sales_info ->>'PRODUCTS' ->>'product_name'
as name_of_product from sales where sales_info ->>'customer'='UMAR';
ERROR: operator does not exist: text ->> unknown
LINE 1: ...stomer' as customer_name,sales_info ->>'PRODUCTS' ->>'produc...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
SOLUTION:- FIRST TIME WE SPECIFIED sales_info ->>'PRODUCTS' ->>'product_name' SO WE NEED TO GIVE sales_info ->'PRODUCTS' ->>'product_name'
postgres=# SELECT sales_info ->>'customer' as customer_name,sales_info ->'PRODUCTS' ->>'product_name'
as name_of_product from sales where sales_info ->>'customer'='UMAR';
customer_name | name_of_product
UMAR | mobile
(1 row)
- Defaulty FROM above example First sales_info -> 'PRODUCTS' returns as JSON objects. And then 'PRODUCTS' ->>'product_name' returns all products as text.
- when you call json nested data first you call like ->(json object key format)then Finally you need to call ->>(text format or json object key format).
- if you specify firstly json field as text(->>) format when calling nested node ,after that if you specify -> or ->> values json will not know first text format(->>) value that is why it throw error.
- JSON displayed text format but actually json work as json object key(->) format .
postgres=# SELECT sales_info ->>'customer' as customer_name,sales_info ->'PRODUCTS' ->'product_name'
as name_of_product from sales where sales_info ->>'customer'='UMAR';
customer_name | name_of_product
UMAR | "mobile"
(1 row)
- HERE i specified first json object(->) format finnaly i called json object format (->) this is not a problem.
- other wise if you specify firstly as json text format (->>) finally if you give json object format (->) or json text format (->>) what ever it is json will not know fist values surely it will throw error.
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