PG_SHADOW is views its contains information about rolename and user password,user password validity,user connection limit and Role automatically inherits privileges of roles it is a member of,detailed information about user and privilege management.
Examples--create the unencrypted user --create the user with password validation time --Describe the PG_SHADOW view
Name | Type | Description |
usename | name | User name |
usesysid | oid | ID of this user |
usecreatedb | bool | User can create databases |
usesuper | bool | User is a superuser |
usecatupd | bool | User can update system catalogs. (Even a superuser cannot do this unless this column is true.) |
passwd | text | Password (possibly encrypted); null if none. See pg_authid for details of how encrypted passwords are stored. |
valuntil | abstime | Password expiry time (only used for password authentication) |
useconfig | text[] | Session defaults for run-time configuration variables |
postgres=# create user u2 WITH UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'u2';
postgres=# CREATE USER u3 WITH PASSWORD 'u3' VALID UNTIL '2017-06-06';
postgres=# \d PG_SHADOW
View "pg_catalog.pg_shadow"
Column | Type | Modifiers
usename | name |
usesysid | oid |
usecreatedb | boolean |
usesuper | boolean |
usecatupd | boolean |
userepl | boolean |
passwd | text |
valuntil | abstime |
useconfig | text[] |
--list the user and show the users password and password validatation time
postgres=# select usename,usesysid,passwd,valuntil,useconfig from PG_SHADOW;
usename | usesysid | passwd | valuntil | useconfig
postgres | 10 | md505ea766c2bc9e19f34b66114ace97598 | |
rep | 24576 | md5df2c887bcb2c49b903aa33bdbc5c2984 | |
u1 | 24583 | | |
u2 | 24584 | u2 | |
u3 | 24585 | md5dad1ef51b879799793dc38d714b97063 | 2017-06-06 00:00:00-04 |
nijam | 24586 | | |
(6 rows)
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