Postgresql Database Template Restriction
You may want to make sure that nobody changes your new template database. One way to do this is to not allow any non-superusers to connect to the database by setting the user limit to zero. This can be done either at creation time, or afterwards, like so:
--check the database which one you choose as template
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE my_template TEMPLATE account CONNECTION LIMIT 0;
--above account is existing template database
-- if you not set connection_limit you can set use "alter database command"
--connect as u1 non superuser
[postgres@r1 ~]$ psql -U u1 -d postgres
Password for user u1:
psql.bin (9.3.14)
Type "help" for help.
No entry for terminal type "xterm";
using dumb terminal settings.
postgres=> \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
clone | Create DB | {}
john | Superuser | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
u1 | | {}
u10 | | {}
u11 | | {}
u2 | Superuser | {}
u3 | | {}
u5 | | {}
u6 | | {}
u7 | | {}
u8 |
--If you try to connect my_template database as non_superuser it will throw errors becouse connection_limit is "0"
postgres=> \c my_template
FATAL: too many connections for database "my_template"
Previous connection kept
You may want to go further by granting the database official "template" status by adjusting the datistemplate column in the pg_database table:
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'my_template';
This will allow anyone to use the database as a template, as long as they have the CREATEDB privilege. You can also restrict *all* connections to the database, even superusers, by adjusting the datallowconn column:
postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = FALSE WHERE datname = 'my_template';
--connect as superuser but you cannot connect to my_template database becouse datallowconn = FALSE
postgres=# \c my_template
FATAL: database "my_template" is not currently accepting connections
Previous connection kept
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