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Postgresql pg_stat_statements

  • The above methods are good, but lack a consolidated view.This is a module built within postgres itself, but disabled by default.We can enable this by doing create extension pg_stat_statementsOnce this is enabled, after a fair amount of queries are run, then we can fire a query such as below.Gives lot of details on how much time queries took and their average.The disadvantage with this approach is it takes some amount of performance, so it is not generally recommended in production systems
  • The pg_stat_statements module provides a means for tracking execution statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.
  • The module must be loaded by adding pg_stat_statements to shared_preload_libraries in postgresql.conf, because it requires additional shared memory. This means that a server restart is needed to add or remove the module.
  • When pg_stat_statements is loaded, it tracks statistics across all databases of the server. To access and manipulate these statistics, the module provides a view, pg_stat_statements, and the utility functions pg_stat_statements_reset and pg_stat_statements. These are not available globally but can be enabled for a specific database with CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements.
pg_stat_statements View:
The statistics gathered by the module are made available via a view named pg_stat_statements. This view contains one row for each distinct database ID, user ID and query ID (up to the maximum number of distinct statements that the module can track)

OID of user who executed the statement
OID of database in which the statement was executed
Internal hash code, computed from the statement's parse tree
Text of a representative statement
Number of times executed
double precision
Total time spent in the statement,in milliseconds
double precision
Minimum time spent in the statement,in milliseconds
double precision
Maximum time spent in the statement, in milliseconds
double precision
Mean time spent in the statement, in milliseconds
double precision
Population standard deviation of time spent in the statement, in milliseconds
Total number of rows retrieved or affected by the statement
Total number of shared block cache hits by the statement
Total number of shared blocks read by the statement
Total number of shared blocks dirtied by the statement
Total number of shared blocks written by the statement
Total number of local block cache hits by the statement
Total number of local blocks read by the statement
Total number of local blocks dirtied by the statement
Total number of local blocks written by the statement
Total number of temp blocks read by the statement
Total number of temp blocks written by the statement
double precision
Total time the statement spent reading blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
double precision
Total time the statement spent writing blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
Working Functions:

  • pg_stat_statements_reset() returns void
  • pg_stat_statements_reset discards all statistics gathered so far by pg_stat_statements. By default, this function can only be executed by superusers.
  • pg_stat_statements(showtext boolean) returns setof record
  • The pg_stat_statements view is defined in terms of a function also named pg_stat_statements. It is possible for clients to call the pg_stat_statements function directly, and by specifying showtext := false have query text be omitted (that is, the OUT argument that corresponds to the view's query column will return nulls). This feature is intended to support external tools that might wish to avoid the overhead of repeatedly retrieving query texts of indeterminate length. Such tools can instead cache the first query text observed for each entry themselves, since that is all pg_stat_statements itself does, and then retrieve query texts only as needed. Since the server stores query texts in a file, this approach may reduce physical I/O for repeated examination of the pg_stat_statements data.

pg_stat_statements.max (integer)
pg_stat_statements.max is the maximum number of statements tracked by the module (i.e., the maximum number of rows in the pg_stat_statements view). If more distinct statements than that are observed, information about the least-executed statements is discarded. The default value is 5000. This parameter can only be set at server start.

pg_stat_statements.track (enum)
pg_stat_statements.track controls which statements are counted by the module. Specify top to track top-level statements (those issued directly by clients), all to also track nested statements (such as statements invoked within functions), or none to disable statement statistics collection. The default value is top. Only superusers can change this setting.

pg_stat_statements.track_utility (boolean)
pg_stat_statements.track_utility controls whether utility commands are tracked by the module. Utility commands are all those other than SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. The default value is on. Only superusers can change this setting.

pg_stat_statements.save (boolean)
pg_stat_statements.save specifies whether to save statement statistics across server shutdowns. If it is off then statistics are not saved at shutdown nor reloaded at server start. The default value is on. This parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file or on the server command line.

The module requires additional shared memory proportional to pg_stat_statements.max. Note that this memory is consumed whenever the module is loaded, even if pg_stat_statements.track is set to none.

These parameters must be set in postgresql.conf. Typical usage might be:
# postgresql.conf

shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
pg_stat_statements.max = 10000
pg_stat_statements.track = all
Sample Output For this:
bench=# SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();

$ pgbench -i bench
$ pgbench -c10 -t300 bench

bench=# \x
bench=# SELECT query, calls, total_time, rows, 100.0 * shared_blks_hit /
               nullif(shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read, 0) AS hit_percent
          FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_time DESC LIMIT 5;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
query       | UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + ? WHERE bid = ?;
calls       | 3000
total_time  | 9609.00100000002
rows        | 2836
hit_percent | 99.9778970000200936
-[ RECORD 2 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
query       | UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + ? WHERE tid = ?;
calls       | 3000
total_time  | 8015.156
rows        | 2990
hit_percent | 99.9731126579631345
-[ RECORD 3 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
query       | copy pgbench_accounts from stdin
calls       | 1
total_time  | 310.624
rows        | 100000
hit_percent | 0.30395136778115501520
-[ RECORD 4 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
query       | UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + ? WHERE aid = ?;
calls       | 3000
total_time  | 271.741999999997
rows        | 3000
hit_percent | 93.7968855088209426
-[ RECORD 5 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------
query       | alter table pgbench_accounts add primary key (aid)
calls       | 1
total_time  | 81.42
rows        | 0
hit_percent | 34.4947735191637631


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