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PostgreSQL Monitoring Tools.

There are several open sources as well as Paid tools are available as front-end to PostgreSQL. Here are a few of them which are widely used :

  • pgAgent is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL which may be managed using pgAdmin. Prior to pgAdmin v1.9, pgAgent shipped as part of pgAdmin. From pgAdmin v1.9 onwards, pgAgent is shipped as a separate application.
  • Pg_statsinfo in the monitored DB on behalf of the existence of the form, pg_statsinfo regularly collected snaoshot information and stored in the warehouse
  • pgCluu is a PostgreSQL performances monitoring and auditing tool.
  • View reports of all statistics collected from your PostgreSQL databases cluster. pgCluu will show you the entire informations of the PostgreSQL Cluster and the system utilization
pgAdmin III:
  • pgAdmin III is THE Open Source management tool for your PostgreSQL databases. Features full Unicode support, fast, multithreaded query and data editting tools and support for all PostgreSQL object types.
  • It is a command line tool and the primary tool to manage PostgreSQL. pgAdmin
  • It is a free and open source graphical user interface administration tool for PostgreSQL.
  • It is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL written in PHP. It is based on phpMyAdmin tool to manage MySQL.OpenOffice.org Base
  • It can be used as a front end tool to PostgreSQL.
  • It is a log analyzer which creates reports from PostgreSQL log files. Proprietary tools
  • Lightning Admin for PostgreSQL, Borland Kylix, DBOne, DBTools Manager PgManager, Rekall, Data Architect, SyBase Power Designer, Microsoft Access, eRWin, DeZign for Databases, PGExplorer, Case Studio 2, pgEdit, RazorSQL, MicroOLAP Database Designer, Aqua Data Studio, Tuples, EMS Database Management Tools for PostgreSQL, Navicat, SQL Maestro Group products for PostgreSQL, Datanamic DataDiff for PostgreSQL, Datanamic SchemaDiff for PostgreSQL, DB MultiRun PostgreSQL Edition, SQLPro, SQL Image Viewer, SQL Data Sets etc.


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