TNS and LISTENER Configuration in oracle
TNS-Transparent network substrate.
- The transparent network substrate a proprietary oracle computer networkin technology,supports homogeneous peer-to-peer connectivity on top of other networking technologies such as tcp/ip and named pipes.
- Tns operates mainly for connection to oracle databases.
- Which is the responsible of connecctions establishment.
Step1:- To click the local net service name configuration and click next button.
Step2:-To click the add and click next button.
Step3:-To add service name and click next button.
Step4:-To click the tcp and click next button.
Step5:-To add host name and click next button.
Step6:-To click the no and click next button.
Step7:-To add net service name and click next button.
Step8:-To click the no and click the next button.
Step 9:-to click the finish button.
then check the information os level.
[oracle@nijam]$cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/
[oracle@nijam admin]$vi tnsname.ora
#tnsnames.ora network configuration file:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
#generated by oracle configuration tools.
Save the file.
[oracle@nijam admin]$tnsping nijam
[oracle@nijam]$ps –ef|grep –i tns
- The oracle database listener is the server process that provides basic network connectivity for clients,application servers,and other databases to an oracle databases.
- In addition to database ,the listener can also be configured to support binary executables.
- The listener listens on a specific network port(default 1521) and forwards network connections to the database.
- The listener configuration, stored in the listener.ora file.
Step1:-To click the listener configuration and click next button.
Step2:-To click the add and click the next button
Step3:-To add listener name and click next button
Step4:-To click the tcp and click next button.
Step5:-To click the no and next button.
Step6:-To click the finish button.
[oracle@nijam]$cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/
[oracle@nijam admin]$vi listener.ora
Then save the file.
[oracle@nijam admin]$lsnrctl
Lsnctl>start --->a starts the listener with the name specified.will be used.
Lsnrctl>stop --->a stop the listener.
Lsnrctl>status --->information about the listener.
Lsnrctl>reload --->a forces a read of the configuration file in orderfor new settings to take effect without stopping and starting the listener.
Lsnrctl>exit --->a the lsnrctl utility.
check whether port is available or not.
[oracle@nijam]$netstat -tunlp|grep 1521.
TNS_ADMIN is an environment variable that points to the directory where the SQL*Net configuration files (like sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora) are located.
set TNS_ADMIN=%ORACLE HOME%\network\admin
Unix/ Linux:
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE HOME/network/admin
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